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WikiSym 2011 : 7th International Conference on Wikis and Open Collaboration


When Oct 3, 2011 - Oct 5, 2011
Where Mountain View, California
Submission Deadline Apr 4, 2011
Notification Due Jun 17, 2011
Categories    knowledge management   web   collaboration   wiki

Call For Papers

The International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym) is the premier conference on open collaboration and related technologies. In 2011, WikiSym celebrates its 7th year of scholarly, technical and community innovation in Mountain View, California at the Microsoft Research Campus in Silicon Valley.

Submissions are invited for the following categories:

* Research Papers, Panels, Workshop: April 1
* Posters, Demos: May 13
* Doctoral Symposium: May 20
* Notification of Acceptance: June 17

The conference program will include a peer-reviewed research track, as well as workshops, a doctoral consortium, invited keynotes and panel speakers. Evening social events will follow, because wiki folks know the value of a good party for sparking conversation and collaboration. As always, Open Space, a participant-organized track will also run throughout the conference. Many of the most innovative technology companies in the world have a presence in Mountain View, which makes it an ideal venue for hatching new ideas and thoughtful debate about collaborative computing among technologists, researchers, educators, and activists.

Topics appropriate for research submissions include all aspects of the people, tools, contexts, and content that comprise open collaboration systems. For example:

* New collaboration tools and processes
* Social and cultural aspects of open collaboration
* Collaboration beyond text: images, video, sound, etc.
* Communities and workgroups
* Knowledge and information production
* New media literacies
* Uses and impact of wikis and open resources in specific fields, such as
o Education/Open Educational Resources
o Law/Intellectual Property
o Journalism
o Art
o Science
o Publishing
o Business
o Entertainment

In addition to research and development topics, WikiSym also invites innovative proposals for wiki-style art and performance.

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