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AMIA-AS 2022 : American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium | |||||||||||
Link: https://amia.org/education-events/amia-2022-annual-symposium/call-participation | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
Important Submission Information
The submitting author will receive the decision notification from AMIA regarding the submission and, if accepted, will have to resubmit. Once a submission is on the person’s record, it cannot be transferred to another individual. If you do not think that you will be with the same organization through June 2022, it may be better if someone else creates the actual submission. By submitting to the AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium, all presenters agree that if their submission is accepted, they will register either for the full conference at the designated author registration rate or for the day they are presenting at the daily registration rate. *Panel and workshop submitters – please make your participants aware of this policy. Complete the online submission form as instructed and attach your submission formatted in compliance with the directions provided. Please review instructions and requirements for each of the major parts of a submission. In recognition of AMIA’s commitment to diversity, individuals submitting panel and workshop proposals are encouraged to ensure that participating members represent a diversity of gender, race, ethnicity, as well as career level and thematic expertise relevant to the topic of the workshop. Inclusion of students in workshops is especially encouraged. Diversity will be a consideration by the SPC when evaluating proposals. New: Inclusive Language In December of 2021, the AMIA Board of Directors approved a set of inclusive language recommendations proposed by the AMIA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. The recommendations focus around educating and empowering authors, reviewers, and moderators to take responsibility for using inclusive language in AMIA scholarship. The first set of recommendations will be implemented the AMIA 2022 Scientific Program Committee (SPC) focused on peer-review and the delivery of conference content including: Authors receive an Inclusive Language Style Guidelines (ILSG) and education resources. Authors informed and educated about how inclusive language will be incorporated in the peer-review process. SPC members and reviewers trained on how to provide feedback to authors when inclusive language revisions are merited. Conference audience member empowerment to assure full compliance with AMIA ILSG from peer-review through the delivery of conference content. The SPC is pleased to begin implementation of the initial recommendations during the AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium. Using language that respects the autonomy, dignity, and experiences of marginalized communities is an important first step towards fostering an inclusive culture within AMIA. We hope these changes to peer-review and the delivery of conference content encourages researchers to participate from a more diverse range of backgrounds knowing their scholarship is welcomed and respected. In turn, these efforts support scholarship from marginalized and historically excluded backgrounds to contribute ideas, understanding, and foster inclusivity should enrich AMIA and its members. AMIA and the AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium SPC expects the implementation of these recommendations to lead to teachable moments where authors, reviewers, and leadership can reflect and learn about the historical and sociocultural context of language used (for better or worse) in the sciences. Target Audience The target audience for this knowledge-based live activity includes physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, and other clinicians; health information technology professionals; computer scientists and systems developers; policy makers; public health professionals; biomedical engineers and bioinformaticians; healthcare industry professionals; consultants and vendor representatives; medical librarians; academic researchers and scientists; and other individuals involved in the collection and dissemination of health information. Learning Objectives Each submission at the AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium, regardless of the type, will require one learning objective as part of the ScholarOne submission. AMIA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education to physicians. AMIA also provides Nursing Continuing Education (CE) credits. As an accredited provider, AMIA must design our activities to inspire change. That change may be a difference in knowledge/competence, performance, or inpatient outcomes. Educational design in this environment includes creating “outcomes-based learning objectives.” Creators of content should ask themselves, “What do I want the learner to be able to do, or to do better, after participating in my session?” To write a good learning objective (LO), define the desired outcome of your presentation. Perform a needs assessment: what knowledge gap is your presentation going to fill? Then write the LO to address the gap you just identified. Presentation Types The AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium will consider eight types of submissions. Read the general requirements for each type below: Papers, Student Papers, Podium Abstracts, Posters, Panels, System Demonstration, Workshops All submissions must conform to the format and presentation requirements described herein. Specific file formatting requirements as well as an example template are given below in the submission instructions section. Each submission should have up to three associated keywords to help in the selection of well-matched reviewers as well as organization of meeting sessions. Important: Deviation from the prescribed format, especially the number of pages and modifications of template margins or font sizes, may result in rejection of the submission without review. Except for podium abstracts, submitted work must be original and not previously published. Programmatic Themes The AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium will be primarily organized around the six major areas of biomedical informatics, which reflect the spectrum of biomedical research and practice, from molecules to populations. Authors will be required to select one major thematic area of emphasis for their submission: Keywords The field of research and practice in biomedical informatics is as broad as the field of biomedicine and health care. Therefore, to facilitate the overall review process as well as support clustering of accepted submissions into meaningful sets, authors will be required to provide at least one, and up to three, keywords from the list below and up to five additional keywords that they feel best characterizes their work. Tracks The AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium submissions will be categorized as either: (1) foundational contributions to informatics methods (“Foundations”); (2) reports on the application of informatics in the context of health (“Applications”); or (3) discussions of policy topics influenced or impacted by informatics (“Policy”). Reflecting the often cross-cutting implications of informatics innovations, submissions may be categorized into multiple tracks simultaneously. From the time that authors begin to prepare their papers, abstracts, or proposals, they should consider whether their principal results and insights would more aptly be presented as a foundational, applied, policy, or some combination therein. Authors are in the best position to make a final decision about track at the time they wish to classify their contribution. Note that all track assignments by authors will be reviewed by the SPC and subject to reclassification in selected cases. Industry Submissions Industry-authored and industry-client collaborative papers, abstracts, panels, demonstrations, and posters are welcome for submission as described above. No special submission designation is required. All industry submissions will be considered according to the standard review process. Industry submissions should not market and promote a specific product or company. Scope and Breadth of the Annual Symposium Thoughtful classification of your submission helps to ensure that each submission is reviewed by persons knowledgeable about its content. In addition, it helps greatly in structuring the meeting sessions, allowing better grouping of papers and presentations by area of interest. We recognize that no classification system is perfect and ask you to use your best judgment in making the determination for which themes and keywords best reflect your submission’s content. File Format Requirements Your uploaded PDF file must be in compliance with the requirements listed under each Category of Submission. Papers, podium abstracts, panels, posters, and systems demonstrations will appear in the AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium Proceedings. Adherence to the following requirements throughout all categories of submission ensures a consistency that facilitates the review process and proceedings. Download the Sample template [Word] Please note: Submissions that do not meet the formatting requirements may be rejected without review. The Submission is: A PDF file. A single column formatted document. Adherent with the page length restrictions stated in the category descriptions. Please note that the page limit includes all tables, figures, references, and acknowledgements. Formatted for U.S. Letter (8.5 x 11 inch) paper size with one-inch margins left, right, top, and bottom. And, the text within the Submission is formatted as follows: Title is 14-point bold, centered, title case (using initial capitals for each word in the title other than articles and prepositions); Below the title, are the names, credentials, institutions and locations of the author(s) or panelists, exactly as they are to appear in the online and print programs and the Proceedings, using 12-point Times New Roman typeface, single column, bold, centered, upper and lower case using appropriate capitals; The main text of the submission is single-spaced in 10-point Times New Roman typeface, justified, one-column format; Individual pages are not numbered; All caps, bold, italics, or underline are only used for emphasis; No track changes from word processing software. The format of credentials and other author information appearing in the online and printed materials is subject to revision by the AMIA office. It is the responsibility of the submitting author of each proposal to provide full and accurate information about all authors named. Please note that all information in the Online Program, the Pocket Guide, the Mobile Event App, and the Proceedings Table of Contents – presentation title, author names, author affiliations, and the order in which the authors are listed – comes directly from the online form authors fill out in ScholarOne. Therefore, please enter everything exactly the way you would like it to appear. AMIA is not responsible for the information listed incorrectly or for any omissions in this step. Any complaints from your co-authors about the way they are listed or why they are not listed will be directed to you. Reference Format References must be included in the PDF document. Links to web pages will not be accepted. Bibliography and references must follow the Vancouver Style. Cite all references in the text, tables, or figure legends, using the following reference format: in the text, use eight-point superscript to indicate reference numbers; ten-point numbers in square brackets is an acceptable, although not preferred, alternative. Under a centered heading “References” at the end of the submission, provide a list of references cited, in order of occurrence in the manuscript, and with titles using initial capital only. References must fit within the allotted page(s) for the respective submission categories. List all authors of any cited work when there are six or fewer authors; for more than six, list only the first three followed by “et al.” |