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LACLO 2017 : 12th Latin-American Conference on Learning Technologies


When Oct 9, 2017 - Oct 13, 2017
Where La Plata, Argentina
Submission Deadline Jun 5, 2017
Notification Due Jul 15, 2017
Final Version Due Aug 20, 2017
Categories    learning tecnologies   learning object

Call For Papers

Call for Papers, Workshops and Educational Application Competition

The 12th Latin-American Conference on Learning Technologies (Laclo 2017))

La Plata, Argentina
October 9-13, 2017


We invite you to participate in the 12th Latin-American Conference on Learning Technologies (Laclo 2017).
Latin American countries have an urgent need to share, to unite efforts and to grow up together in many areas, but especially in those areas that could lead us to improve the educational level of our people. Learning technologies may be considered by many the cornerstones for a whole new educational era that is under development, and Latin American countries must maintain an active forum for discussion of the existing technological alternatives that can be applied to our regional contexts. LACLO intends to be such a forum, where researchers, developers and educational practitioners are able to share their experiences and technological advances in the field of learning technologies, and to integrate these various technological developments into their teaching and learning contexts.

This year the 12th LACLO edition will held from October 9-13, 2017, in the city of La Plata, Argentina coordinated by the Computer Science College of the National University of La Plata. LACLO 2017 will be also co-located with Cacic 2017, the national conference in computer science . This will be an interesting opportunity to meet each other.
Submissions to Laclo 2017 are welcome in the form of:

Research papers: Authors are invited to submit original papers reporting original academic or industrial research in the area of Learning Technologies that must not have been submitted to or published in any other workshop, conference, or journal. The conference will accept full papers describing completed work, work-in-progress papers with preliminary results, as well as position papers reporting inspiring and intriguing new ideas. Full papers up to 5 pages, describing original work that has not been previously published, accepted for publication nor is currently under review. These papers will undergo a review process and those that are accepted will be presented orally during the conference and published in the conference proceedings. Short papers of up to 3 pages, describing ongoing research work. These papers will undergo a review process and those that are accepted will be presented orally during the conference and published in the symposium proceedings. Please submit your paper here:

Workshops. Workshops provide an informal and focused environment for the information exchange and discussion of related topics. We offer half or full day workshop venues. Proposals should include an abstract (max 150 words), a title, description of workshop theme, aim, goals, activities and potential outcomes. It should also specify audio/visual equipment needed, maximum number of participants, the duration of the workshop (half or full day) and the names and backgrounds of the organizer(s). Please submit a maximum of three pages here:

Competition of Learning Object and/or Educational Applications. Authors should submit the Learning Object or Educational Application, including a text file (free format) with basic information: authors, subject, audience and technical requirements (if any). Along with the Object/Application and its metadata, the author should send a short paper (following the standard format of conference papers) describing: the methodology and technologies used during the development, the learning experiences with the Object/Application and any other relevant feature. The resource and its respective short paper will be evaluated by a committee of experts. Finalists will present their learning objects at the conference. Short papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference. Submission process will be announced later.

Conference Scope
The conference includes, but is not limited to, the areas listed below

Educational research and technology
Experiences in the educational use of technologies.
Virtual communities of learning and practice.
Impact of educational technologies.
Problems in the integration of technology in the educational field.
Educational needs and technological solutions
Educational problems and development of relevant technologies.
Pedagogical theories, educational models and technology development.
New students and teachers: roles, relationships and technologies.
Collaborative learning technologies.
Teaching and learning designs with the support of technology.
Learning Objects and Open Educational Resources
Strategies for educational content development.
Technology usage in the design of educational content.
Management, use and evaluation of educational content.
Learning Object Repositories
Federation, integrated search and referral systems.
Integration with virtual learning environments.
Integration with authoring tools.
Quality assessment of learning resources.
Mass Online Open Courses (MOOCs)
Theoretical analysis.
Analysis of participation data.
Development models.
Mobile Learning, Educational Television and Ubiquitous Learning
The use of mobile devices in the classroom.
Mobile phones in distance education.
Educational Television (t-learning).
Learning objects for television.
Effective use of the media for education.
Learning Analytics
Academic analysis (challengers, motivation, etc.).
Analytics in class (monitoring student actions).
Online analytics (LMS, web tools, etc.).
Multimodal analysis.
Inverted Class
Theoretical analysis.
Impact analysis.
Development models.
Games, Virtual and Augmented Reality
Educational games.
Virtual reality, augmented and mixed for Decreased Education.
Educational applications and the impact of multi-user virtual 3D environments.
Serious games.
Personalized Learning, Adaptability and Accessibility
Student modeling
Recommendation systems.
Intelligent and cognitive tutors: automatic (semi) creation of courses or lessons.
Technological support for self-managed learning.
Contents adaptation: educational level, multi-language content, etc.
Technologies for social inclusion.
International standards for educational materials and technologies.

Important Dates
Paper submission:
Deadline for full and short papers May 1st , 2017, extended May 15th, 2017
Paper notification: July 5th, 2017
Paper camera-ready: August 15th , 2017

Workshop submission:
Deadline for workshop proposals: May 15th , 2017
Workshop notification: July 1st , 2017

Competition submission:
Deadline for submissions May 15th , 2017
Competition notification: July 1st , 2017

Conference: October 9th - 13th 2017

General Chair
Dra. Alicia Díaz, Universidada Nacional de La Plata, Argentina -
Program Co-Chairs
Dra. Ana Casali, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina,
Dr. Mario Chacón Rivas, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica,
Dr. Antonio Silva Sprok, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela,

Related Resources

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NAACL 2025   North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
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CETA--EI 2025   2025 4th International Conference on Computer Engineering, Technologies and Applications (CETA 2025)
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