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IMSA 2010 : The Fourteenth IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications | |||||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.iasted.org/conferences/home-695.html | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
CALL FOR PAPERS The Fourteenth IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications ~IMSA 2010~ October 18 – 22, 2010 Virtual Conference SPONSORS The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) * Technical Committee on Telecommunications World Modelling and Simulation Forum (WMSF) WMSF PURPOSE The Fourteenth IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA 2010) will a major contact venue for research scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest developments and applications in this field. aims to strengthen relations among universities, research laboratories, and industries. LOCATION Presenters and attendees may join the IASTED Virtual Conference, IMSA 2010 simply by following a weblink to the conference's virtual venue. All that is needed to join the conference is a personal computer with the Internet access, a microphone, and a headset. The conference program includes the chair's opening speech, a keynote speech, tutorial presentations (if any), special sessions, and paper presentations. The conference will also include both text and voice-based Q&A sessions. This web-based conference is not only more cost-effective, allowing delegates who might not otherwise be able to participate to attend, but there are other benefits as well. IASTED will record the conference and provide all attendees with a copy of this recording, allowing attendees to review papers and tutorials, or to revisit Q&A discussions. Delegates may also present from the comfort of their own labs or offices, where they will have better access to their research materials. Presenters may upload their power point demonstrations and share their screens for better clarity than is normally available in a traditional conference setting. Finally, during the breaks between sessions, participants will be invited to join chat rooms with others in their research area so that they may discuss their research further. SCOPE The topics of interest to be covered by IMSA 2010 include, but are not limited to: COLLABORATIVE SYSTEMS AND DISTANCE LEARNING * Collaborative Learning * Collaborative Systems and Applications * Computer Animation * Distance Learning * Distributed Learning * Educational Multimedia * Human-Computer Interfaces * Modelling and Simulation * Video Conferencing * Virtual Reality DATA MANAGEMENT * Coding and Compression * Data Mining * Data Modelling * Data Warehousing * Database Management Systems * Database Ontology * Databases and the Web * Digital Libraries * Digital Watermarking * Intelligent Databases * Multimedia Databases * Video Storage Servers MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION SYSTEMS * ATM Networks * Content-based Multimedia Retrieval * Digital Video Broadcasting * Distributed Multimedia Systems * IP based Networks * Mobile Multimedia * Multimedia Broadcasting Systems on the Web * Multimedia Communication Systems * Multimedia Networking * Multimedia Performance and Management * Multimedia Tools and Architectures * Operating System Support for Multimedia * Quality of Service * Routing Protocols * Scheduling * Transport Protocols * Video-on-Demand NETWORKED MULTIPLAYER GAMES * Game Architecture and Development * Graphics and Virtual Worlds * Internet-based Multiplayer Games * Multimedia Technologies and Games WEB AND INTERNET SYSTEMS AND TOOLS * Computer Vision * Expert Systems * Fault Tolerance * Internet Architectures * Internet Computing * Internet Search Technologies * Java based Applications for Web * Knowledge-based Systems * Optimization Techniques * Parallel and Distributed Processing * Privacy * Protection and Security * Software Agents * Web and Internet Tools * Web Design APPLICATIONS * Business * Education * Electronic Commerce * Engineering * Entertainment * Internet Banking * Medicine * Mobile Commerce * Others INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE To be announced. If you are interested in joining the International Program Committee (IPC) for this conference, please submit your name, address, phone, fax, email, areas of specialty, a list of your most recent publications, a brief CV, and the name of this conference by email to calgary@iasted.org. SUBMISSION Submit your paper via our website at: www.iasted.org/conferences/submit-695.html. All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) format. The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by May 15, 2010. Receipt of paper submission will be confirmed by email. Initial Paper Requirements All papers submitted to IASTED conferences must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during IASTED's review period. Authors are limited to a maximum of three paper submissions. Initial paper submissions should be full papers. Papers of up to 8 pages in length are included in the conference registration fee. An extra charge will apply for every additional page for papers longer than 8 pages. Authors are responsible for having their papers checked for style and grammar before submitting to IASTED. Papers may be rejected if the language is not satisfactory. When submitting a paper, complete the online initial paper submission form, designating an author who will attend the conference, and provide four key words to indicate the subject area of your paper. At least one of the key words must be taken from the list of topics provided under Scope, above. Formatting instructions for initial papers are available at www.iasted.org/formatting-initial-page.html. Reviewing All papers submitted to this conference will be double-blind peer reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee and related technical committees. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation, and references. The conference chair makes the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the paper. Acceptance and Registration Notification of acceptance will be sent via email by July 10, 2010. Final manuscripts are due by August 20, 2010. Registration and final payment are due by September 1, 2010. Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in the papers being excluded from the conference proceedings. Only one paper of up to eight pages is included in the regular registration fee. There will be an added charge for extra pages and additional papers. Final Paper Requirements Email your final manuscripts to finalpapers@iasted.org. The subject line for the final manuscript submission must include your six-digit paper number. The formatting instructions can be found at: www.iasted.org/formatting-final-page.html and must be strictly followed. The page limit for final papers is eight single-spaced pages in 10 point Times New Roman font. TUTORIALS Submission Proposals for three-hour tutorials must be submitted online by May 15, 2010. Submit tutorial proposals via the following web site address: www.iasted.org/conferences/tutorialsubmit-695.html. Proposal Format A tutorial proposal should clearly indicate: * The topic. * Background knowledge expected of the participants. * Objectives. * Time allocations for the major course topics. * The qualifications of the instructor(s). SPECIAL SESSIONS Special session proposals must be emailed to calgary@iasted.org by May 15, 2010. Proposals should include a session title, a list of the topics covered, and the qualifications and brief biography of the session organizer(s). Papers submitted to the special session must be received by May 15, 2010, unless otherwise stipulated by the Special Session Organizer. A minimum of five papers must be registered and fully paid in order for this session to be included in the conference program. More information on special sessions is available at www.iasted.org/conferences/specialsession-695.html. JOURNALS Expanded and enhanced versions of papers published in the conference proceedings can also be considered for inclusion in one of the IASTED journals. Information on the submission of papers to journals is available at: www.actapress.com/SubmissionInfo.aspx. Whole proceedings as well as single papers can now be purchased online. Please visit ACTA Press: www.actapress.com. INDEXING The proceedings will be sent for indexing in the following: * Cambridge Scientific Abstracts * Conference Proceedings Citation Index * EI Compendex * FIZ Karlsruhe * INSPEC IMPORTANT DEADLINES Submissions Due May 15, 2010 Notification of Acceptance July 10, 2010 Final Manuscripts Due August 20, 2010 Registration Deadline September 1, 2010 CONTACT US For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact: IASTED Secretariat – IMSA 2010 B6, Suite 101, Dieppe Avenue SW Calgary, AB, Canada T3E 7J9 Tel: +1 403-288-1195 Fax: +1 403-247-6851 Email: calgary@iasted.org Web site: www.iasted.org |