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MicDAT 2021 : 4th International Conference on Microelectronic Devices and Technologies


When Oct 27, 2021 - Oct 29, 2021
Where Corfu Holiday Palace, Corfu, Greece
Abstract Registration Due Sep 20, 2021
Submission Deadline Jul 5, 2021
Notification Due Jul 25, 2021
Final Version Due Oct 10, 2021
Categories    microelectronics   technology   MEMS   NEMS

Call For Papers

The conference is the fourth of a series of annual International Conferences on Microelectronic Devices and Technologies (MicDAT) held in Barcelona (Spain), 2018, in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 2019 and in virtual format, 2020 organized by IFSA. The MicDAT' 2021 conference is intended to create awareness of the huge potential of modern microelectronic technologies and to improve understanding on the recent challenges in a wide range of applications. The many different technological bases for the fabrication of microelectronic devices, SoC, SiP, MEMS and NEMS will be outlined in this 3-day conference.

A number of recognized experts from both: academy and industry in the field of microelectronic design will be invited to give their view in selected application areas. Featuring strong participation of industry and academia, the MicDAT' 2021 conference will provide an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and present latest advancements in these areas.

The aim of MicDAT series of conference is to provide an annual world forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in microelectronics, and bring together leading international researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on any of the microelectronics related technologies. The conference will offer plenary and invited talks, contributed oral and poster presentations, special sessions, tutorials, and exhibitions of commercial products. Social and cultural events will also take place to foster networking among the participants in a friendly manner. The conference is coordinated with the IFSA series of conferences, which deal with physics and engineering.

The topics of interest include (but not limited):

* Analog, digital, mixed, and RF circuits and related design methodologies
* Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC)
* Voltage-to-Frequency Converts (VFC)
* Frequency-to-Digital Converters (FDC)
* Time-to-Digital Converters (TDC)
* Semiconductor Devices: physics and technology
* Circuit Theory and Applications
* Active and Passive Electronic Components
* Logic, architectural, and system level synthesis
* Nonlinear circuits
* Microprocessors, microcontrollers and DSPs
* Testing, design for testability, built-in self-test
* Area, power, and thermal analysis and design
* Mixed-domain simulation and design
* Embedded systems, low-power designs
* VLSI Circuit and Systems design
* Non-von Neumann computing and related technologies and circuits
* Design and test of high complexity systems integration
* SoC, MPSoC, NoC, SIP, and NIP design and test
* Process technologies, CMOS, BJT, BiCMOS, GaAs
* 3-D integration design and analysis
* Emerging device technologies and circuits, such as FinFETs, SETs, spintronics, SFQ,
MTJ, etc.
* Design for Manufacturability/Technology Optimization/Yield & Quality
* Microelectronics processing and materials
* Semiconductor processing
* Modern electronics materials
* Solid-state electronics
* Quantum electronics
* Thin solid films
* Nanoprocessing, nanotechnology and nanofabrication​
* Nanoelectronics and Spintronics
* Flexible and stretchable electronics​
* Computer-Aided Design (CAD) of Integrated Circuits
* Hardware/software co-design
* Algorithms, methods and tools for modeling, simulation, synthesis and verification
of ICs
* Electronic materials science and technology
* Electronics Cooling and Thermal Control
* Optoelectronics
* Organic electronic materials and devices
* Microelectronics reliability and qualification
* Assembly and Packaging

Contribution Types:

* Keynote presentations and invited talks
* Industrial presentations
* Special Sessions presentations
* Regular papers
* Posters
* Exhibition

Special Sessions:

Authors are welcome to organize and manage special sessions during the conference. Each session will contain 4-6 papers in a related field as specified above.

Session organizers will get:

* Certificate of appreciation
* Free registration for the event
* Special publishing theme within conference proceedings
* Free article and book chapter post conference publications in appropriate open
access journals and ‘Advances in Microelectronics: Reviews’, Book Series, Vol. 3​.


1) All registered abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings (USB flash drive edition of published Proceedings with the ISBN), distributed during the conference and submitted for indexing to the Web of Science.

2) Authors will be invited to submit full-page extended papers to the special issues of Sensors & Transducers open access journal (ISSN 2306-8515, e-ISSN 1726-5479) or Micromachines (ISSN 2072-666X) - a peer-reviewed open access journal on micro/nano-scaled structures, materials, devices, systems as well as related micro- and nanotechnology from fundamental research to applications. The journal is indexed in EI, Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science, and has an Impact Factor of 2.523 (2019).

3) The limited number of full-page papers published in the journal will be selected by the Editorial Board to extend for book chapters for the open access Book Series on 'Advances in Microelectronics: Reviews',
Vol. 3.

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