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ISPH 2011 : First International Symposium on Paleohistology


When Jul 18, 2011 - Jul 20, 2011
Where Barcelona
Abstract Registration Due Feb 28, 2011
Submission Deadline TBD
Notification Due Mar 31, 2011
Categories    biology   paleontology

Call For Papers

Call for abstracts

Abstracts are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of the symposium. They should be of no more than 350 words, and clearly state purpose, results and conclusions. They should include Author(s), full address, and symposium topic(s). The language will be English. Abstracts are peer-reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee and other colleagues and will be published in a special volume of “Paleontologia i Evolució”, the journal of the ICP.


* At least one author should be identified per submission, and the submission form allows up to five authors. In case, you want to submit a work with more authors, please contact us. You should identify in the application form, through the checkbox provided, who the corresponding author is. All notices regarding communication or poster acceptance/rejection will be addressed this person. For each author full name, institution, full address and e-mail are required.
* The symposium programme includes three days of scientific session, with oral communications and poster sessions. Please identify your contribution proposal accordingly.
* Major topics of the scientific sessions are: Phylogeny; Ontogeny and Development; Physiology; Biological rhythms; Biomechanics; Pathology; Methodologies; and Nomenclature and standardization. Please identify to which topic(s) your abstract relates to (one or a maximum of two per submission).
* The title must not be longer than 200 characters.
* Full abstract should not be longer than 350 words.

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