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IECON 2018 : Special Session on: “Emerging Solutions for Vehicular Embedded Systems” at the 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society


When Oct 21, 2018 - Oct 23, 2018
Where Washington DC, USA
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2018
Notification Due Jul 15, 2018
Final Version Due Aug 1, 2018
Categories    embedded systems   industrial electronics   automotive systems   vehicles

Call For Papers

Outline of the Session:

A large share of innovation and customer value in modern vehicles comes from advanced computer-controlled functionalities. With the increasing volume of such functionalities, the vehicle software has tremendously increased in size and complexity over the past few years. Already today, the software in a modern car consists of millions of lines of code that runs on tens of distributed Electronic Control Units (ECUs) that can be connected by various types of in-vehicle networks, such as CAN, Flexray, LIN and Automotive Ethernet. The safety-critical nature of several vehicle functions puts real-time requirements on them. The developers of these functions are required to ensure their predictable timing behavior. In addition, the advanced features in modern vehicles require new levels of computational power and more complex coordination among subsystems. Multi-core ECUs offer a promising solution for running such computation-intensive vehicle functions. However, multi-cores are more prone to unpredictable behavior (due to share caches and memory banks) as compared to traditional single-core platforms. Clearly, there are many challenges related to handling the complexity, allowing reuse, supporting the required predictability and verifying timing requirements during the development of vehicular embedded software systems. The objective of this Special Session is to provide a forum to the researchers and practitioners for discussing novel and emerging solutions to these challenges. The topics of the special session are as follows.

Topics of the Session

-Model- and component-based development of vehicle software.
-Models and languages for the vehicle software development, e.g., EAST-ADL, AUTOSAR, etc.
-Real-time systems and real-time communication, e.g., AVB, CAN, CAN/FD, FlexRay.
-Time-Sensitive Networking.
-Scheduling and schedulability analysis techniques.
-Mixed criticality, multi-cores and advanced computing platforms.
-Autonomous vehicles, advanced driver assistance systems, V2X communications, connected vehicular systems.
-Safety, security and certification (e.g., according to ISO 26262) aspects in vehicles.
-Performance assessment, fault-tolerance and reliability issues in vehicular systems.
-IoT and cloud computing in vehicular domains.
-Tool support and industrial case studies for vehicular software embedded systems.

The Special Session is organized and co-chaired by:

- Saad Mubeen, Mälardalen University, Sweden,
- Lucia Lo Bello, University of Catania, Italy,
- Matthias Becker, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden,

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