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Web2Touch 2017 : Web2Touch @IEEE WETICE 2017: Semantic technologies in smart information sharing and web collaboration | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://web2touch2017.gear.host | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
CALL FOR PAPERS - Web2Touch 2017: Semantic technologies in smart information sharing and web collaboration Conference Track @ 26th IEEE WETICE 2017 Poznan, Poland, June 21-23, 2017 http://web2touch2017.gear.host/index.html ======================================================================== OBJECTIVES The increase of Web capabilities leads to a deep qualitative change in the nature of cooperative activities. Nowadays, many activities are dynamic and take place in real time. Web practitioners, and applications, exploit, in rapidly varying ways, the richness of the Web to support users’ multifaceted activities. This causes dynamic changes in content, context, methods, meaning, and relationships to other pieces of knowledge, which affect the security and reliability of collaborations. The track theme explores how to share knowledge, views, facts, and opinions in a highly dynamic and secure Web-based environment. Coordinated, trusted, and secure sharing of information is an urgent topic in the Web research agenda. This creates the need for methods and tools to structure information sharing under correct conditions, such as preserving privacy and ensuring that distributed data and processes are consistently maintained in an evolving environment. Studies on knowledge engineering and artificial intelligence have proposed various Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) (e.g. thesauri, ontologies, taxonomies, etc.), which play a crucial role in information recovery, disambiguation and identification on the Web. Reasoning techniques can also be applied, leading to a better decision or an awareness of events. W2T wants to explore the state-of-the-art on these topics, accommodating users’ practical experiences as well as trends and research topics, paving the way for future collaborative approaches to knowledge engineering. Best papers from Web2Touch were published at International Journal of Web Portals 2011 and 2013, Concurrency and Computation 2013, Collaborative Enterprise 2013, and Future Generation Computer Systems 2016. TOPICS COVERED Web2Touch concerns improvements that can be produced through a better organization of knowledge, including alternatives to represent dynamic changes in shared information. Web2Touch is also about practical semantic collaboration experiences in a wide range of well-established and emerging interdisciplinary applications, including web science, eHealth, smart cities, smart companies, green IT, entertainment, eLearning and education. Contributions addressing one or more of the following topics are expected: + Ontologies - Ontology tools and ontology engineering - Ontology and knowledge reuse and integration + Semantic sharing and collaborative knowledge management - Data that is heterogeneous with respect to structure, semantic richness, quality, dynamism, etc, including big web data, linked open data, crowdsourced data, social data, knowledge networks data - Crowdsourcing techniques for semantic collaboration - Use of semantics in mobile web, wearable computing, and cross-device content management and delivery - Semantic annotations - Semantic-based Decision Support - Interoperability between semantic web services - Semantifying collaborative Web sources - Semantic technologies for Information Extraction - Collaborative knowledge validation, evolution and alignment - Collaborative knowledge management enabling context exploitation and content personalization + Experiences in semantic web support for collaborative work and business - Collaborative semantic web in interdisciplinary applications such as web science, eHealth, eLearning, education, entertainment, Internet of Things, smart homes, smart companies and smart cities. IMPORTANT DATES - Submission deadline: 26 February 2017 - Notification of acceptance: 2 April 2017 - Camera ready papers: 15 April 2017 - Conference: 21-23 June 2017 CHAIRS Rodrigo BONACIN, CTI, Brazil Riccardo MARTOGLIA, UniMoRe, Italy Olga NABUCO, CTI, Brazil PROGRAM COMMITTEE Weronika T. ADRIAN, University of Calabria, Italy Fabrizio AMARILLI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Frederic ANDRES, National Institute of Informatics, Japan Ismael BOUASSIDA, LAAS-CNRS, France Sylvie CALABRETTO, LIRIS, University of Lion, France Raja CHIKY, ISEP, France Marcos DA SILVEIRA, LIST, Luxembourg Giuseppe DE RUVO, University of Auckland, New Zealand Julio Cesar DOS REIS, Computer Science, Unicamp, Brazil Andre GREGIO, Federal University of Parana, Brazil Emna HACHICHA, Telecom SudParis, France Heiko HORNUNG, Institute of Computing, Unicamp, Brazil Sergio ILARRI, University of Zaragoza, Spain Alexandre MELLO FERREIRA, Unicamp, Brazil Emna MEZGHANI, LAAS-CNRS, France Stefano MODAFFERI, University of Southampton, UK Dilvan MOREIRA, ICMC, USP, Brazil Jose Antonio PAREJO MAESTRE, University of Sevilha, Spain Cedric PRUSKI, LIST, Luxembourg Ivan RICARTE, FT-Unicamp, Brazil Lina SOUALMIA, Universite de Rouen et CHU de Rouen, France PAPER SUBMISSION Papers submitted to Web2Touch 2017 must be written in English, must be formatted in strict accordance with the IEEE WetIce 2017 formatting instructions , and must be submitted in PDF format. Papers up to six (6) pages (including figures, tables and references) should contain original contributions not published or submitted elsewhere. Papers have to be submitted through the easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wetice2017 Consider olgafernanda@gmail.com for your questions. |