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Web2SE 2011 : 2nd International Workshop on Web 2.0 for Software Engineering (Web2SE) at ICSE 2011


When May 24, 2011 - May 24, 2011
Where Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii
Submission Deadline Jan 28, 2011
Notification Due Feb 18, 2011
Final Version Due Mar 10, 2011
Categories    web 2.0   social media   software development   collaboration

Call For Papers

Web2SE 2011: 2nd International Workshop on Web 2.0 for Software Engineering at ICSE 2011

May 24, 2011
Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii

Submission deadline: January 28, 2011


Social software is built around an "architecture of participation" where user data is aggregated as a side-effect of using Web 2.0 applications. Web 2.0 implies that processes and tools are socially open, and that content can be used in several different contexts. Web 2.0 tools and technologies support interactive information sharing, data interoperability and user centered design. For instance, wikis, blogs, tags and feeds help us organize, manage and categorize content in an informal and collaborative way. Some of these technologies have made their way into collaborative software development processes and development platforms. These processes and environments are just scratching the surface of what can be done by incorporating Web 2.0 approaches and technologies into collaborative software development. Web 2.0 opens up new opportunities for developers to form teams and collaborate, but it also comes with challenges for developers and researchers. Web2SE aims to improve our understanding of how Web 2.0, manifested in technologies such as mashups or dashboards, can change the culture of collaborative software development.


- Current use of Web 2.0 mechanisms by software developers
- Role of Web 2.0 technologies in software development
- Adaption of Web 2.0 tools by software developers
- Software development as a "socially open" process
- Using Web 2.0 tools to support informal communication in distributed teams
- Enhancements of development environments with regard to Web 2.0
- Tools that bring Web 2.0 into software development
- Mining Web 2.0 data from software repositories
- New opportunities in software engineering using Web 2.0
- Privacy challenges due to using Web 2.0
- Challenges for researchers studying Web 2.0 use by software developers


- Collect an overview of the latest developments with regard to the use of Web 2.0 technologies in software development
- Explore new opportunities that Web 2.0 creates in software development
- Investigate to which extent the "socially open" attitude of Web 2.0 applies to software development
- Explore how Web 2.0 technologies can be incorporated into and adapted to software engineering processes and methods
- Discuss potential risks of using Web 2.0 in software development
- Address challenges for researchers who are studying the use of Web 2.0 in software development


We welcome research papers (max. 6 pages) as well as poster and position papers (max. 2 pages) as submissions. The final version of the accepted papers will be published in the ICSE Companion and will also be made available during the workshop. Papers must follow the ACM conference format and must not exceed the page limits mentioned above, including figures and references. All submissions must be in English. Papers must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, using the submission website.

The submission website is online at


Paper submission: January 28, 2011
Notification: February 18, 2011
Camera ready: March 10, 2011
Workshop: May 24, 2011


Christoph Treude, University of Victoria, Canada,
Margaret-Anne Storey, University of Victoria, Canada,
Arie van Deursen, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands,
Andrew Begel, Microsoft Research, USA,
Sue Black, University College London, UK,


Jorge Aranda, University of Victoria, Canada
Marcelo Cataldo, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Li-Te Cheng, IBM Watson Research Center, USA
Kate Ehrlich, IBM Watson Research Center, USA
Harald Gall, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Adrian Kuhn, University of Bern, Switzerland
Michele Lanza, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Kelly Lyons, University of Toronto, Canada
Mira Mezini, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Peri Tarr, IBM Watson Research Center, USA
Gina Venolia, Microsoft Research, USA
Thomas Zimmermann, Microsoft Research, USA

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