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PROPER 2010 : 3rd Workshop on Productivity and Performance


Conference Series : Productivity and Performance
When Aug 15, 2010 - Sep 15, 2010
Where Ischia/Naples/Italy
Abstract Registration Due May 30, 2010
Submission Deadline Aug 20, 2010
Notification Due Jun 19, 2010
Final Version Due Sep 28, 2010

Call For Papers


3rd Workshop on Productivity and Performance (PROPER 2010)
Tools for HPC Application Development

EuroPar 2010 Conference, Ischia/Naples/Italy
August/September 2010

** Submission Deadline: May 30th 2010 **


Driven by current trends in microprocessor design, the number of
processor cores on modern supercomputers grows rapidly from generation
to generation. As a consequence, applications need to harness much
higher degrees of parallelism in order to satisfy their growing demands
for computing power.

Writing code that runs correctly and efficiently on large numbers of
processors and cores is extraordinary challenging. The increased
concurrency levels place higher demands on the application development
process and thus require adequate tool support for debugging and
performance analysis. The PROPER workshop will serve as a forum to
present novel work on scalable methods and tools for high-performance
computing. The workshop covers parallel program development and
analysis, debugging, correctness checking, and performance measurement
and evaluation. Further topics include the integration of tools with
compilers and the overall development environment as well as success
stories reporting optimization or improvements of parallel scalability
achieved using tools.

The workshop is supported by the Virtual Institute - High Productivity
Supercomputing (VI-HPS), an initiative to promote the development and
integration of HPC programming tools.

Workshop Topics:
* tools and tool approaches for parallel program development and
* correctness checking
* performance measurement and evaluation
* success stories about optimization or parallel scalability achieved
using tools

The workshop submissions will undergo a two-stage review. Before the
workshop there will be a selection of submissions to be presented during
the workshop. Shortly before the presentations there is another deadline
for full papers. They will be reviewed for inclusion in the EuroPar
workshop proceedings.

For the first stage, please prepare an extended abstract of approx. 4
pages or a full paper of not more than 12 pages in Springer LNCS format
and send your submissions to us via EasyChair

Important Dates:
* May 30th: submission deadline for extended abstracts
* June 19th: notification of acceptance
* Aug 20th: full papers due
* Sept 28th: final review results
* Oct 15th: camera ready papers due

Program Committee:
* Andreas Knuepfer, TU Dresden (chair)
* Dieter an Mey, RWTH Aachen
* Jens Doleschal, TU Dresden
* Karl Fuerlinger, University of California at Berkeley
* Michael Gerndt, TU Muenchen
* Allen Malony, University of Oregon
* Shirley Moore, University of Tennessee
* Matthias Mueller, TU Dresden
* Martin Schulz, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
* Felix Wolf, German Research School for Simulation Sciences

Andreas Knuepfer
Phone +49 351 463 38323

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