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THMR 2015 : The Human Mutation Rate Meeting


When Feb 25, 2015 - Feb 27, 2015
Where Leipzig, Germany
Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2015
Categories    molecular biology   life sciences   anthropology   bioinformatics

Call For Papers

A meeting dealing specifically with research on topics related to human mutation rates will be held at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology from 25th - 27th February 2015.

This meeting aims at bringing together researchers from different fields that are interested in estimating the rate of mutations in humans and apes, the application of these rates to date events in the past, the differences in male and female mutation rates, the evolution of the mutation rate, the molecular and chemical mechanisms leading to germline and somatic mutations, and other topics related to the human mutation rate.

The meeting is limited to a total of 90 participants and we would like all attendees to actively participate in the meeting by presenting results and joining discussions.

Interested scientists are invited to submit an application including an abstract through our application website by 15th December 2014. Suitable abstracts will be selected on a first come, first serve basis and applicants will be informed as soon as possible whether they are accepted to attend the meeting.

Registration for the meeting is free of charge and includes coffee breaks and small meals during the conference. Unfortunately, we are not able to support participants by funding travel or accommodation. The meeting will start on the evening of 25th February 2015 to allow guests to fly in on the first day of the meeting.

Invited Speakers:
* Kelley Harris
* Agnar Helgason
* Jean-Jacques Hublin
* Michael Lynch
* Kateryna Makova
* Gilean McVean (tbc)
* Molly Przeworski
* David Reich
* Aylwyn Scally
* Mikkel Schierup
* Michael Stratton
* Shamil Sunyaev

For further information, please visit our website.

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