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IFAC SAFEPROCESS 2015 : 9th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes


When Sep 2, 2015 - Sep 4, 2015
Where Paris
Submission Deadline Nov 1, 2014
Notification Due Mar 1, 2015
Final Version Due May 1, 2015
Categories    fault detection   supervision   safety   technical processes

Call For Papers


SAFEPROCESS is a major international gathering of leading experts in academia and industry. It aims at strengthening contacts between academia and industry to build up new networks and cultivate existing relations. High-level speakers will present the global spectrum of fault diagnosis, process supervision and safety monitoring, state-of-the-art applications and emerging research directions. The symposium is also meant as a forum for young scientists from all over the world, with the opportunity to introduce their research ambitions and work to an audience of international experts. Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control build a major area of research at the intersection of systems and control engineering, artificial intelligence, applied mathematics and statistics, and application fields like chemical, electrical, mechanical, aerospace engineering and transportation systems. IFAC has recognized the significance of this area by launching a triennial symposium series dedicated to this subject. SAFEPROCESS 2015 is continuing the successful series of symposia. In SAFEPROCESS 2015 edition, a special focus will be made on industrial applications. Special sessions, plenary lectures will highlight industrial-academic collaborative projects.


 Model-based diagnosis of linear, nonlinear and hybrid systems
 Data-driven diagnosis methods
 Fault-tolerant control, control reconfiguration
 Process supervision
 Active fault diagnosis methods
 Condition monitoring, maintenance engineering
 Prognosis
 Diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of discrete-event systems
 Statistical methods for fault diagnosis
 Statistical methods for reliability and safety
 Interval methods, numerical methods
 Neural and fuzzy methods
 Structural methods of fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control
 Artificial Intelligence methods for fault diagnosis
 Safety-critical systems
 Structural Health Monitoring

Application areas

 Aeronautics and aerospace systems
 Transportation, traffic and automotive applications
 Electrical, mechanical and mechatronic systems
 Mining, minerals, metal applications
 Networked systems
 Process engineering applications
 Production systems
 Power systems and networks
 Robotics
 Chemical systems
 Biosystems

Related Resources

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IFAC MIM '2025 SIMCA 2025   IFAC MIM '2025 SIMCA Open Invited Track
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IWSSS 2025   13th International Workshop on Systems Safety and Security
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EDCC 2025   20th European Dependable Computing Conference
SRSE 2025   IEEE--2025 The 7th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety Engineering (SRSE 2025)
SAFECOMP 2025   The 44th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security