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GECCO 2020 : Call for Papers - GECCO 2020Conference Series : Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference | |||||||||||||
Link: https://gecco-2020.sigevo.org/index.html/Call+for+Papers | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2020) 8-12 July, 2020, Cancun, Mexico. http://gecco-2020.sigevo.org/ ********************************************************************* Important Dates --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Full papers (traditional category) * Abstract deadline: January 30, 2020 * Submission of full papers: February 6, 2020 * Poster-only papers: * Submission of poster-only papers: February 6, 2020 * Conference: July 8-12, 2020 Call for Papers --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2020) will present the latest high-quality results in genetic and evolutionary computation. Topics include genetic algorithms, genetic programming, evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, memetic algorithms, hyper-heuristics, real-world applications, evolutionary machine learning, evolvable hardware, artificial life, adaptive behavior, ant colony optimization, swarm intelligence, biological applications, evolutionary robotics, coevolution, artificial immune systems, and more. The full list of tracks is available at: https://gecco-2020.sigevo.org/index.html/Program+Tracks The GECCO 2020 Program Committee invites the submission of technical papers describing your best work in genetic and evolutionary computation. Full papers of at most 8 pages (excluding references) should present original work that meets the high-quality standards of GECCO. Accepted full papers appear in the ACM digital library as part of the **Main Proceedings** of GECCO. For full papers, a separate abstract needs to be submitted first by January 30, 2020. Full papers are due by the non-extensible deadline of February 6, 2020. Each paper submitted to GECCO will be rigorously evaluated in a double-blind review process. Evaluation is done on a per-track basis, ensuring high interest and high expertise of the reviewers. Review criteria include the significance of the work, technical soundness, novelty, clarity, writing quality, relevance and, if applicable, sufficiency of information to permit replication. Besides full papers, poster-only papers of at most 2 pages may be submitted. Poster-only papers should present original work that has not yet reached the maturity and completeness of research results that are published as full papers at GECCO. The review of poster-only papers follows the same double-blind process described above. Accepted poster-only papers will appear in the ACM digital library as part of the **Companion Proceedings** of GECCO. Poster-only papers are due by the non-extensible deadline of February 6, 2020, and no abstract needs to be submitted first. By submitting a paper, the author(s) agree that, if their paper is accepted, they will: * Submit a final, revised, camera-ready version to the publisher on or before the camera-ready deadline * Register at least one author to attend the conference (by April 17, 2020) * Attend the conference (at least one author) * Present the accepted paper at the conference Each paper accepted needs to have at least one author registered. If an author is presenting more than one paper at the conference, she/he does not pay any additional registration fees. More information about paper submission is available at: https://gecco-2020.sigevo.org/index.html/Call+for+Papers -- Gregorio Toscano, Cinvestav Tamaulipas, Mexico Mario Garza-Fabre, Cinvestav Tamaulipas, Mexico Publicity Chairs Jose A. Lozano, University of the Basque Country, Spain Editor-in-Chief Carlos A. Coello Coello, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico General Chair -- GECCO is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (ACM SIGEVO). |