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28th EFFoST Conference 2014 : Innovations in attractive and sustainable food for health 28th EFFoST International Conference | 7th International Food Factory for the Future Conference


When Nov 25, 2014 - Nov 25, 2014
Where Uppsala, Sweden
Submission Deadline May 16, 2014
Categories    food science

Call For Papers

The 28th EFFoST International Conference will be held in Uppsala, Sweden from 25-28 November 2014, together with the 7th International Conference on the Food Factory for the Future, under the theme: Innovations in Attractive and Sustainable Food for Health. The conference will be organised by Food Science Sweden (FSS) and The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA) on behalf of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST).

The EFFoST conference will bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, policy makers, industrial professionals and managers, entrepreneurs and students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas and research results leading to Innovation in Attractive and Sustainable Food for Health.

The scientific content of the conference will enhance the role of food in a number of the major societal challenges such as public health, the ageing population, globalization, climate change and energy supply, as we look for innovation opportunities at the interface of scientific disciplines. Sweden has strong leading research and significant international networks within important scientific areas (food and agricultural science and engineering, and the allied fields of nutrition, health, sustainable development, logistics and packaging). Furthermore, cooperation with the Food Factory conference is an ideal opportunity to broaden the topics to include innovative solutions for future food production.

We are looking forward to making the 28th EFFoST International Conference a dynamic and trend-setting congress, bringing together and stimulating the most innovative aspects within the scientific community, held in a unique and inspiring ambience.

Topics will include:

Abstract submissions are invited on the following conference topics and should be submitted using the online submission system:

Food & Health (Health-promoting bioactive compounds in foods)
Processes/technologies for the design of foods with added value
Resource efficient technologies and production systems (water, energy, byproducts)
Environmental assessment of food production and consumption
Safety throughout the food chain (Hygienic design and contamination control)
Efficient manufacturing processes (Robotics, Automation & Food Control)

Submit abstracts by 16 May 2014

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