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EnA-HPC 2014 : Fifth International Conference on Energy-Aware High Performance Computing


When Sep 1, 2014 - Sep 2, 2014
Where Dresden, Germany
Submission Deadline Apr 25, 2014
Notification Due May 26, 2014
Final Version Due Jun 1, 2014
Categories    energy   high performance computing   green computing

Call For Papers

The EnA-HPC conference brings together researchers, developers, vendors, and users to discuss the energy consumption challenge that HPC is facing. In 2014, the 5th EnA-HPC will take place in Dresden, Germany on September 1-2, 2014.

Papers Due: April 25th, 2014
Author Notification: May 26th, 2014
Camera-Ready Submission: June 1st, 2014

**** TOPICS ****
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- APPLICATIONS: How to develop energy-efficient algorithms?
- MODELING: How can we model the overall energy consumption of an HPC environment for given applications?
- SIMULATION: How can we simulate the behavior of energy saving concepts for a given HPC environment and a given program?
- BENCHMARKING: How can we benchmark the program/architecture energy efficiency?
- MEASUREMENT: How can we measure relevant data in the hardware/software environment?
- ANALYSIS: How can we understand the measured data and deduce means to mitigate the energy problem?
- DEPLOYMENT OF MECHANISMS: How can we reduce energy consumption by changing the HW/SW-environment?
- DEPLOYMENT OF NEW HARDWARE: Energy optimized processors, network components, storage components, etc.
- FACILITY ISSUES: How can we optimize our computer room for optimal power efficiency?
- BUSINESS CONCEPT: How to budget raising electricity costs?

- We accept papers with no more than eight pages in two-column layout.
- The only language accepted is English.
- Author guidelines are available from Springer. Select "Instructions for Authors" on the Journal's Homepage -
- Latex template:
- Papers must be submitted via EasyChair as PDF -
- Please select at least one of the topics in the submission form.
- Questions can be sent to
- Papers will be peer-reviewed by three reviewers.
- They will be evaluated based on their novelty, fundamental insights and potential for long-term contribution.
- By submitting a paper you agree to present the paper at EnA-HPC 2014 in Dresden, Germany.
- At least one author has to register for EnA-HPC 2014 participation.
- Accepted papers will be published in a special edition of “Computer Science – Research and Development”, Springer Verlag.

**** EnA-HPC 2014 GENERAL CHAIRS ****
- Wolfgang E. Nagel, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
- Thomas Ludwig, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
- Matthias Müller, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Aachen, Germany

PDF version of CfP:
For more information see

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