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PSTI 2016 : Sixth International Workshop on Parallel Software Tools and Tool Infrastructures | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.psti-workshop.org/2016 | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
CALL FOR PAPERS Sixth International Workshop on Parallel Software Tools and Tool Infrastructures (PSTI 2016) Philadelphia, PA, USA Held in Conjunction with ICPP 2016, The 45th International Conference on Parallel Processing Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 16-19, 2016 http://www.psti-workshop.org =============================================================================== BACKGROUND The advent of multicore and manycore systems requires that programmers understand how to design, write and debug parallel programs effectively. The increased complexity of multi-threaded parallel programming on multicore platforms requires more insight into program behavior, and necessitates the use of tools that can support programmers in migrating existing software to multicore platforms, and in writing new multi-threaded parallel software. Programmers need increasingly sophisticated methods for instrumentation, measurement, analysis and modeling of applications. Developers need both sophisticated tools to support parallel software development, and an extensible tool infrastructure that promotes integration of existing and new tools, and simplifies information exchange and access. KEY DATES Submission Deadline: April 8, 2016 Notification of Acceptance: May 9, 2016 Final Papers Due: June 3, 2016 Workshop Date: Aug 16, 2016 TOPICS Topics of interest include, but are not limited to * Static and dynamic analysis tools * Instrumentation, measurement, analysis, and modeling of applications * Analysis and visualization tools for assisting programmers with parallel software design * Active testing tools * Applications profiling and performance analysis * Data visualization and analysis infrastructures PAPER SUBMISSION Submissions should be formatted according to the CPS standard double-column format with a font size of 10 pt or larger and are strictly limited to 10 pages in length. Submissions should represent original, substantive research results. At least one author of every accepted paper is required to attend the conference in order for the paper to be included in the final proceedings. Proceedings of the workshop will be published in electronic format and will be available at the conference. For paper submissions please use https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=psti2016 For more details please see the PSTI website at http://www.psti-workshop.org/2016 WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS Josef Weidendorfer, TU Munich, Germany Karen L. Karavanic, Portland State University, USA Karl Fuerlinger, LMU Munich, Germany PROGRAM COMMITTEE Xavi Aguilar, KTH Stockholm, Sweden Daniel Becker, Siemens AG, Germany Karl Fuerlinger, University of Munich, Germany Sascha Hunold, TU Wien, Austria Ali Jannesari, TU Darmstadt, Germany Karen Karavanic, Portland State University, USA Andreas Knuepfer, TU Dresden, Germany Alice Koniges, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Jialin Liu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Nathan Tallent, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA Josef Weidendorfer, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Brian Wylie, FZ Juelich, Germany |