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Greek Civil Society 2013 : Call for abstracts for edited volume on Greek civil society


When Nov 19, 2013 - May 31, 2014
Where Athens, Greece
Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2013
Notification Due Dec 31, 2013
Final Version Due May 31, 2014
Categories    greece   civil society   third sector   ngos

Call For Papers

Call for abstracts for an edited volume:
Civil Society at the European Frontline:
An Examination of the Third Sector in Greece

a) Background

Situated at the cultural and political boundaries of Europe, the migration frontier for the EU, and now the epicentre of the Eurozone crisis, Greece presents a challenging context for civil society actors. However, the country also offers a fascinating and under-researched case study for exploring how civil society is affected by relationships with the state and with society, and by social and economic transformations.

To date there has been no book-length study of Greek civil society in English, despite an increased interest in the civil society of the region. This volume seeks to fill this void. It is expected to be published with a leading international academic publisher: we have already had positive initial responses from both Ashgate and Routledge.

The volume will draw in part on scholarship conducted within a current research project, co-funded by the EU and Greek national funds, which aims to document and evaluate the Greek organized civil society sector. This project brings together researchers from several Greek universities and research centres under the direction of Professor Asteris Huliaras (University of the Peloponnese).

Additional contributions are sought for papers which explore civil society in Greece in the context of any of the following themes:

i) State, Society and Civil Society: how the development of Greek civil society has been shaped by various aspects of the national socio-political context in which is located, for example history, state structure, and key social institutions such as the family and the church.

ii) The effects of migration and globalisation: how Greek civil society is being affected by changing patterns of migration, the growth of transnational networks, and the expansion of new technologies.

iii) Civil society in times of crisis: how civil society actors are being affected by and responding to the economic crisis.

iv) Challenges and prospects for Greek civil society: the practical implications of the above themes for the future development of civil society in Greece, and the potential of Greek civil society to contribute to emerging forms of governance in Europe.

The volume will be co-edited by Prof. Asteris Huliaras, Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of the Peloponnese, ( and by Dr. Jennifer Clarke
(, Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of the Peloponnese.

b) Guidelines

Abstracts, in English, of approximately 500 words should be submitted by e-mail to by 15/12/ 2013. Please also include the title of the paper, the author’s name, affiliation, contact details, and a short paragraph detailing the author’s relevant biographical information.

If accepted, full manuscripts of between 6-8,000 words, in English, must be submitted by 31/5/2014. The Harvard Referencing System should be used (see

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