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IFKAD 2014 : Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth
When |
Jun 11, 2014 - Jun 13, 2014
Where |
Matera, Italy |
Abstract Registration Due |
Jan 20, 2014
Submission Deadline |
Apr 15, 2014
Call For Papers
Knowledge management: the path for developing sustainable organizations
Against the backdrop of globalization, the economic environment started to be more dynamic, complex and uncertain. As an attempt to adapt to these changes, some managers concentrated on developing sustainable organizations while others focus on creating knowledge based firms. But sustainability and knowledge aren’t as different as it seems; knowledge is a resource and sustainability usually deals with the rational use of resources. Therefore, the purpose of this track is to emphasize the knowledge management tools and strategies that may facilitate the development of the sustainable organizations.
It aims to highlight how knowledge management can improve company’s sustainability at the economic, social and environmental level.