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ECSA 2014 : 1st International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications


When Jun 1, 2014 - Jun 14, 2014
Where online
Abstract Registration Due Apr 4, 2014
Submission Deadline May 4, 2014
Notification Due Apr 18, 2014
Final Version Due May 4, 2014
Categories    sensors   agents   sensor networks   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

We are pleased to announce the 1st International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications. This first edition will aim to cover different areas of this rapidly progressing field, such as:

Biosensors (Section A)
Chemical Sensors (Section B)
Physical Sensors (Section C)
Sensor Networks (Section D)
MEMS and NEMS (Section E)
SMART Materials and Structures (Section F)
Applications (Section G)

Participants will have the opportunity to examine, explore and critically engage with issues and advances in these areas. We hope to facilitate discussions and exchange within the community.

This event will solely be an online proceeding which allows the participation from all over the world with no concerns of travel and related expenditures. This type of conference is particularly appropriate and useful because research concerned with sensors is progressing rapidly. An electronic conference provides a platform for rapid and direct exchanges about the latest research findings and novel ideas. The participation as well as the “attendance” of this online conference is free of charge.

The 1st International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications will be held at, on a platform developed by MDPI to organize electronic conferences.

The 1st International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications is sponsored by MDPI and the scientific journal Sensors. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of this e-conference, and selected papers will be published in Sensors.

We hope the community will share this enthusiasm and help making this first edition a success – for many to come in the future.

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