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JICAC 2015 : Joint International Conference on Agribusiness and Cooperatives


When Oct 21, 2015 - Oct 24, 2015
Where Davao City, Philippines
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2015
Notification Due Jul 15, 2015
Final Version Due Aug 30, 2015
Categories    agribusiness   agribusiness economics   agribusiness management   cooperatives

Call For Papers

Call for Papers: Joint Conference on Agribusiness and Cooperatives

In celebration of the Centennial Year of Philippine Cooperatives, the University of the Philippines, in cooperation with the Cooperative Development Authority, is organizing the Joint International Conference on Agribusiness and Cooperatives. The joint conference is composed of two co-located conferences: the 7th International Conference on Agribusiness Economics and Management (ICAEM2015) and the 2nd International Conference on Cooperatives (ICOOP2015).


The conference provides a venue for scholars to present researches that deal with economic and management issues affecting the entirety or specific nodes within the agri-food chains, specifically those within the crops, fisheries, and livestock and poultry subsectors. The conference is organized by the Office of Research and School of Management (SOM), University of the Philippines Mindanao, and is financially supported by the UP Office of International Linkages (OIL). The conference accepts papers on the following tracks:

Environmental policy and resource management
Technologies for crop and animal improvement
Farm (crop/animal) and fisheries management
Supply chain management
Value chain analysis
Food security, trade, and agricultural policy
Consumer studies
Agri-product development and innovation
Entrepreneurship and agri-industry development
Agricultural education and extension
Women in agribusiness


ICOOP is organized by the Institute of Cooperatives and Bio-Enterprise Development (ICOPED), College of Economics and Management (CEM), University of the Philippines Los BaƱos, in cooperation with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA). It is a fitting event for the celebration of the Centennial Year of Philippine Cooperatives. The conference will feature presentations in the following focal areas:

Cooperative education and capability building
Cooperative enterprise development
Innovations and best practices in cooperative management
Cooperative finance
ICT/database management for co-operatives
Women and youth in cooperatives
Role of cooperatives in environmental sustainability
Cooperatives and food security


The scientific program committee of the joint conference welcomes abstract submissions. Abstracts may cover any topic within the field of agribusiness, whether the economics or management side, or cooperatives.

A few reminders: Please make sure that your abstract is (a) informative and can stand on its own without the full paper with the following parts: introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and implications; (b) written in clear and concise English; (c) has no errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific facts; and (d) should contain no more than 250 words. Spell out all abbreviations at first mention and refrain from using citations. You may submit no more than two (2) abstracts for consideration in the conference.


Call for Abstracts: 20 February 2015
Abstract Deadline: 30 May 2015
Acceptance Notice: On or before 30 June 2015
Full Paper Submission: 30 August 2015
Early registration: 30 August 2015

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