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SFCI 2023 : 11èmes Journées de la Société Française de Chémoinformatique


When Oct 5, 2023 - Oct 6, 2023
Where Caen
Submission Deadline Jun 26, 2023
Categories    chemoinformatics   visualization   machine learning

Call For Papers

The SFCi days, which take place every two years, are a major event in the French scientific landscape of chemoinformatics. Their aim is to bring together and interact with the different players in chemoinformatics at the national level (academic and industrial), but also to offer young researchers (Master 2 students, doctoral students and post-doctoral students) the opportunity to present their work. to the chemoinformatics community.
In addition, these days serve as catalysts to exchange with other scientific communities interested in "big data", artificial intelligence, visualization, augmented reality in connection with health in the broad sense, from the search for drug candidates , from new materials to predictive toxicology.

The next meeting of the SFCi (Société Française de ChemoInformatique) are scheduled for October 5-6 in Caen. Registrations are open on the website of the event:

Those days are an opportunity for young researchers to present their work, in particular with dedicated oral communications. The first deadline is set to June 26 for requests for oral communications to allow us to make a selection. Posters could be submitted later (the current deadline on the website is also June 26 but we will be able to grant extensions if necessary).

The event will take place at the Château de Caen. You can therefore book your hotels in the city center.
We are also at your disposal for any problems during check-in.

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