Accessible Izmir 2013 Congress will be held for the first time in 2013 and will aim to support people with disabilities for their integration to urban life in Turkey, especially in Izmir. It also aims to gather researchers and best urban practices related to this field.
The main objective of the Congress which will be organized by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and IZFAS is to promote discussions for possibilities of active participation of disabled people in urban life.
Topics of Congress: Disability rights, universal design, urban transformation and people with disabilities,environmental architecture and transportation, rehabilitation, employment, accessibility, media, politics and organization, tourism, sport, culture-art, future planning of people with disabilities, to be family of people with disabilities, good practices for people with disabilities.
The applicants are expected to send summary of presentation (maximum 200 words) and five keywords, curriculum vitae and contact information.
Participation to the Congress is free of charge.