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HPPN 2013 : 1st Workshop on High Performance and Programmable Networking | |||||||||||
Link: http://www.grid.unina.it/HPPN2013 | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
CALL FOR PAPER - The deadline (4th of February) is very close!! --------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Workshop on High Performance and Programmable Networking 2013 (HPPN?13) A workshop of the ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, New York City, June 17-21, 2013 http://www.grid.unina.it/HPPN2013 * Workshop Description * HPPN (High Performance and Programmable Networking) 2013 Workshop will provide an international forum for presenting and discussing the latest experiences and achievements in the field of programmable and high performance networking platforms. The main idea of the workshop is to share experiences and state-of-the-art advances related to using and researching with platforms like NetFPGA, GPUs, and other programmable hardware in the field of computer networks. Due the growing speed and complexity of networking services and infrastructures, there is an increasing interest in the networking research community to create faster and smarter network devices and operations for experimental purposes and for developing open network infrastructures. HPPN 2013 will explicitly consider analysis and implementation of high performance and programmable networking platforms related to very hot and challenging scenarios, such as content-centric networks (CCN), Software Defined Networks (SDN), cloud computing systems and data centers, virtual networks, and the like. HPPN 2013 will focus on theory, tools, techniques, and applications that enable the use of programmable hardware platforms to support for high performance next-generation network architectures, services, and scenarios. It explicitly asks for implementation and testing of novel open software platforms over programmable and high performance hardware (e.g., implementation and testing of Software Defined Radios, Software Defined Networks, Intrusion Detection Systems, etc. over high performance hardware platforms). The following topics are of the interest for the workshop (not exhaustive list): - Routing and Switching architectures - Intrusion Prevention and Detection, Firewalling - Network Packet Signature Matching and Packet Classification - Network Traffic Classification, Network Traffic Generation - Network Monitoring, Traffic measurement platforms - OpenFlow and Software Defined Network implementations - Implementation and Performance Tuning in Virtualized Networking Infrastructures - Software Defined Radio and Wireless Systems - Online and Offline Massive Network Data Analysis - Performance Comparison among High Performance architectures (FPGA vs. Multicore CPU vs. GPU vs. etc) - Energy comparison of systems and applications implemented using High Performance architectures - Energy-aware deployment of protocols, systems, and services - Implementation of Machine Learning approaches using High performance architectures - Performance Acceleration and Improvements - Performance Measurement of High Performance Networking systems - Performance Optimization in Network Operating Systems * Important Dates * Abstract submission: February 4th, 2013 (11:59PM PST) Paper submission: February 11th, 2013 (11:59PM PST) Acceptance notification: March 18th, 2013 Final papers due: April 15th, 2013 * Submission Instructions * Each submission must be a single PDF file no longer than eight (8) pages in length. Papers should be prepared in ACM SIG Proceedings format (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) and submitted electronically (as a PDF file). Papers must include the author name and affiliation for single-blind peer reviewing by the program committee. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop. The website for submission is: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=hppn13 * Workshop Chairs * Antonio Pescap�, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy Stenio Fernandes, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil *********************************** |