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Experimental Biology 2013 : Inflammation as an Orchestrator in Heart Failure - Boston 2013


When Apr 20, 2013 - Apr 24, 2013
Where Boston
Submission Deadline Nov 13, 2012
Categories    cardiovascular   inflammation   heart failure

Call For Papers

The abstract deadline for the upcoming Experimental Biology Meeting to be held in Boston, Massachusetts (20th-24th April 2013) has now been extended to the 13th November 2012.
We would like to bring your attention to the featured topic entitled Inflammation as an Orchestrator in Heart Failure (category 1002-APS) sponsored by the Cardiovascular Section. You can find the submission page at the following link to explore the full list of topics please browse the menu on the left of the page.
The program for this symposium includes 25 minutes featured talks by two experts in the cardiovascular field: Dr. Stefan Frantz and Dr. Nikolaos Frangogiannis.
Selected abstracts will be programmed as short oral communications (max 15min) as well as poster presentation. The abstract deadline is November 8th.
DO NOT MISS the opportunity to interchange your scientific ideas and findings in such a stimulating intellectual and scientific environment!

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