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IndiREAD 2025 : investigating individual differences in reading using both experimental and computational approaches


When Nov 26, 2025 - Nov 27, 2025
Where Saarbrücken, Germany
Submission Deadline Jul 23, 2025
Notification Due Sep 1, 2025
Categories    NLP   computational linguistics   artificial intelligene

Call For Papers

IndiREAD Workshop 2025: 1st Call for Papers
Saarbrücken, Germany, November 26-27, 2025

IndiREAD is a workshop jointly organized by the ERC Project "Individualized Interaction in Discourse" IDDISC and the MultiplEYE COST action "Enabling multilingual eye-tracking data collection for human and machine language processing research".

While experimental research in reading has a long tradition in identifying key factors that influence reading patterns—including text properties such as font difficulty, word and structure frequency, word predictability, and dependency length—recent studies have emphasized the importance of individual variability in reading behaviour (e.g., Haeuser & Kray, 2024; Kuperman et al., 2018; Nicenboim et al., 2016; Staub, 2021). This work has linked individual variability in reading patterns to differences in working memory capacity, reading skills, linguistic experience, and domain expertise among readers. This informs our understanding of how text characteristics and individual reader attributes interact to shape eye movements during reading.

IndiREAD aims to bring together researchers interested in investigating individual differences in reading using both experimental and computational approaches. This workshop will focus on methods such as eye-tracking, self-paced reading, and the Maze task, with particular interest in how reading behaviour is correlated with individual differences. We also encourage submissions of computational models for eye movements or reading behavior that shed light on the mechanisms behind these differences. The goal is to foster collaboration between experimental and computational researchers to better understand individual variability among readers. We especially welcome submissions of reading time experiments and modelling of languages beyond English.

The IndiREAD Workshop invites submissions of abstracts addressing the following questions: 

How do individual differences impact the way people read?
How do reading patterns vary across different languages, particularly in bilinguals?
How do reading patterns change across the lifespan?
Which individual difference measures are most suitable for capturing variability in reading patterns?
How can we evaluate psycholinguistic theories of reading and sentence processing across languages?
How can computational models account for individual differences in reading?
How does text adaptation influence reading patterns and comprehension among different individuals?
What statistical methods are best suited for reliably identifying latent groups and relating individual differences to reading performance?

Workshop dates: November 26-27, 2025

Workshop format: The workshop will be held in-person in Saarbrücken, Germany. It will feature presentations from invited speakers, as well as contributions based on workshop submissions. The format of the presentations (oral or poster) will be determined based on the number of submissions we receive.

Submission deadline: July 23, 2025.
We invite 1000-word abstracts from interested presenters. Information about submission and formatting will be available on our website soon.

Conference website:

Contact email:

Travel grants: This workshop is sponsored by the MultiplEYE COST Action, which will provide financial support to cover travel expenses for a limited number of participants. Authors will be invited to apply for travel funding upon abstract acceptance. Funding may be partial, and priority will be given to junior researchers.


Iza Škrjanec
IndiREAD Organizing Committee

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