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WiOpt 2014 : The 12th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless NetworksConference Series : Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad-Hoc and Wireless Networks | |||||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.hanalab.org/wiopt2014/ | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
WiOpt 2014, the 12th International Symposium on Modeling and
Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks is an international forum aiming to facilitate the flow of expertise between researchers and practicioners working on modeling and optimization of wireless network design and operations. As such, WiOpt 2014 solicits previously unpublished high-quality contributions that propose original performance evaluation methodologies (or different perspectives on older ones), new results on the performance limits of wireless networks (simulation-based or theoretic) and novel algorithms and optimization methods with which to attain them. WiOpt 2014 covers all types of wireless networks: cellular (both wide and local area networks), metropolitan, ad hoc (both dense and sparse), sensor, delay-tolerant, mesh, content-driven, vehicular, or any convex combination of the above. Contributions to the symposium should provide a significant improvement over the existing state-of-the-art for the design, analysis, and operational envelope of wireless networks, either by offering new insights on theoretical aspects (information-theoretic capacity, etc.), or by proposing novel practical optimization methods and tools. Topics of interest include - but are not limited to: * Asymptotic system capacity and connectivity properties * Cognitive radio and opportunistic spectrum access * Cooperative networking * Cross-layer design and optimization * Delay tolerant networks * Dynamic spectrum management * Energy efficiency * Game theoretic models * Interference management * Mobility modeling and management * Modeling, simulations, and performances analysis * Network economics * Network and multi-user information theory * Network protocol design * Optimal control of network operations * Optimization of network design * Participatory sensing * Routing protocols * Scalability of network architectures * Wireless network security ============================================================== SUBMISSIONS ============================================================== Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research papers. The length of the manuscripts will be limited to 8 pages in double column IEEE conference style (10 point size, with fonts embedded in the PDF file). Submissions will be handled via EDAS: http://edas.info/ All submissions will be evaluated for originality, impact, clarity, technical rigor and correctness by two to three expert researchers in the field of the submission. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present the paper at the conference. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be available on IEEE Xplore (authorization pending). WiOpt 2014 will grant a Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award (the first author should be a full-time student). * NO SHOW POLICY: Papers that are accepted but not presented by a registered author at the conference will be removed from the proceedings. ============================================================== IMPORTANT DATES ============================================================== Paper Registration Deadline: December 9, 2013 (23:59:00 EST) Paper Submission Deadline: December 16, 2013 (23:59:00 EST) Acceptance Notification: March 1, 2014 Camera-ready Papers and Author Registration: March 15, 2014 Conference: May 12-16, 2014 ============================================================== ADJUNCT WORKSHOPS ============================================================== WiOPT2014 will host the following adjunct workshops. • IOSC 2014: International Workshop on Indoor and Outdoor Small Cells • RAWNET 2014: International Workshop on Resource Allocation, Cooperation and Competition in Wireless Networks • WNC3 2014: International Workshop on Wireless Networks: Communication, Cooperation and Competition • WiNMee 2014: International Workshop on Wireless Network Measurements • SPASWIN 2014: Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks • PHYSComNet 2014: Physics-Inspired Paradigms in Wireless Communications and Networks • WiVid 2014: International Workshop on Modeling, Measurements and Optimization of Video Performance over Wireless Networks ============================================================== TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE ============================================================== Matthew Andrews – Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs (Chair) Majed Haddad – INRIA (Chair) Panayiotis Mertikopoulos – CNRS (Chair) Mohamed Abid - ENIS Institute Tansu Alpcan - The University of Melbourne Stefano Avallone - University of Naples Ron Banner - HP - labs Israel Tamer Basar - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Srikrishna Bhashyam - Indian Institute of Technology Madras Vivek Borkar - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Sem Borst - Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Labs Noureddine Boudriga - University of Carthage Cristina Cano - Hamilton Institute Matteo Cesana - Politecnico di Milano Prasanna Chaporkar - IIT Bombay Sofiane Cherif - Sup'Com Song Chong - KAIST Sae-Young Chung - KAIST Delia Ciullo - EURECOM Marceau Coupechoux - Telecom ParisTech Francesco De Pellegrini - Create-Net Eylem Ekici - The Ohio State University Rachid El-Azouzi - LIA/CERI University of Avignon Anthony Ephremides - University of Maryland at College Park Atilla Eryilmaz - Ohio State University Marwan Fayed - University of Stirling Laura Feeney - Swedish Institute of Computer Science Faramarz Fekri - Georgia Institute of Technology Massimo Franceschetti - University of California at San Diego Niloy Ganguly - Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Radha Krishna Ganti - Indian Institute of Technology Madras Andrey Garnaev - St.-Petersburg State University Piyush Gupta - Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent Sangtae Ha - Princeton University Martin Haenggi - University of Notre Dame Zhu Han - University of Houston Nidhi Hegde - Technicolor Jianwei Huang - The Chinese University of Hong Kong Takashi Ikegawa - Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Stratis Ioannidis - Technicolor Krishna Jagannathan - Indian Institute of Technology Madras Lotfi Kamoun - University of Sfax Koushik Kar - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Holger Karl - University of Paderborn Seong-Lyun Kim - Yonsei University Peng-Yong Kong - Khalifa University of Science, Technology & Research Iordanis Koutsopoulos - Athens University of Economics and Business and CERTH Ulas Kozat - DOCOMO Innovations Bhaskar Krishnamachari - University of Southern California Anurag Kumar - Indian Institute of Science Joy Kuri - Indian Institute of Science Bjorn Landfeldt - Lund University Wing Cheong Lau - The Chinese University of Hong Kong Jang-Won Lee - Yonsei University Marc Lelarge - INRIA and ENS Jie Li - University of Tsukuba Lavy Libman - University of New South Wales D. Manjunath - IIT Bombay Daniele Miorandi - Create-Net Jeonghoon Mo - Yonsei University Jun Peng - UTPA Radha Poovendran - University of Washington Balakrishna Prabhu - LAAS-CNRS Chandrasekharan Raman - Alcatel-Lucent Lars K. Rasmussen - KTH Royal Institute of Technology Peter Reichl - University of Vienna Volkan Rodoplu - University of California, Santa Barbara Catherine Rosenberg - University of Waterloo Michele Rossi - University of Padova Leila Azouz Saidane - ENSI, University of Manouba Gabriel Scalosub - Ben-Gurion University Michael Segal - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Srinivas Shakkottai - Texas A&M University Alex Sprintson - Texas A&M University Slawomir Stanczak - Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute David Starobinski - Boston University Vijay Subramanian - Northwestern University Rajesh Sundaresan - Indian Institute of Science Chee Wei Tan - City University of Hong Kong Leandros Tassiulas - University of Thessaly Tzu-Chieh Tsai - National Chengchi University Sennur Ulukus - University of Maryland Elif Uysal-Biyikoglu - METU Chih-Chun Wang - Purdue University You-Chiun Wang - National Sun Yat-Sen University Steven Weber - Drexel University Andreas Willig - University of Canterbury Yu Yang - ReZolt Corporation Aylin Yener - Pennsylvania State University Yung Yi - KAIST Wuyi Yue - Konan University Lisa Zhang - Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent ________ General Co-chairs: Abdelfettah Belghith, Issam Mabrouki, Tijani Chahed, Mounir Frikha |