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IoA - 2016 : The IEEE/ACM/WIC Workshop on the Internet of Agents | |||||||||||||
Link: http://www2.cs.siu.edu/~salqithami/ioa | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
The First International Workshop on the Internet of Agents (IoA)
- Organized in conjunction with IEEE/ACM/WIC conference on WI - Omaha, Nebraska: October 13, 2016 - http://www2.cs.siu.edu/~salqithami/ioa/ - [ CALL FOR PAPER ] : On the confluence between Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and the Internet of Things (IoT), there is a strong ongoing trend for the IoT to seize the intelligent nature/architecture of the MAS. In the Internet of Agents (IoA) workshop, we aim to understand the current range of nascent network centric agents. At one end of the spectrum, this includes agents’ efforts to form collaborative units. On the other end of the spectrum, we seek to understand techniques and methodologies for constructing online agents that represent interests of their actual counterparts and take actions autonomously. This workshop will reflect the impacts of the dynamic network proliferation and start of smart agent systems that exploit and explore opportunities heralded by the fast social-pace of interconnectivity. Smart agents are aware of the social climate of their environment while performing their design tasks or multitasks. They account for interactions with other agents so as to perform social acts in order to complement their physical and speech acts. This workshop emphasizes on the operational elements of the dynamic network that facilitate intelligence on the Internet. Social and cognitive foundations surrounding IoA that include nature of interactions among agents engaged in a meaningful exchange are of special interest. The workshop will feature invited talks by leading researchers and an exciting collection of oral presentations as well as an interactive poster session. - [ OBJECTIVES AND AREAS ] : The workshop seeks to attract papers concerning: - Discussing general challenges of IoA and potential solutions, - Presenting a novel architecture of IoA, - Describing experiments or prototype design for IoA, or - Presenting successful applications combining IoT and MAS This can be through a theoretical analysis or simulation methods. Papers may address one or more of the listed topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. All topics and submission formats are open to both research and industry contributions. - Agents-based interactive environments - Architectures of cognitively reasoned interactions - Cooperation and collaboration mechanisms - Collective benefits of political fallouts and economic externalities - Computational models of distributed technologies - IoT/M2M applications and services employing MAS - Globalized networks and grid alliances - Network-centric warfare, individualism or organizations - Smart societies and cities deploying protocols of an IoA - [ IMPORTANT DATES ] : Submission DEADLINE: JUNE 5, 2016 Notification of acceptance: June 25, 2016 - [ PRELIMINARY PROGRAM ]: + Potential Speaker: Prof. Daniel Siewiorek, Carnegie Mellon University, USA. + Awards: There will be a nomination for an outstanding paper award which includes a free conference registration. + Accepted papers: Papers will be published in IEEE, ACM and WIC and also indexed by EI. The complete program is TBD after the submission deadline. - For submission instructions and more information, visit: http://www2.cs.siu.edu/~salqithami/ioa/ |