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IVACS 2008 : The Fourth Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) group International Conference on Applying Corpus Linguistics


When Jun 13, 2008 - Jun 14, 2008
Where Limerick, Ireland
Submission Deadline Dec 14, 2007
Categories    NLP   linguistics

Call For Papers

First Call for Papers

The Fourth Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) group
International Conference on
Applying Corpus Linguistics

University of Limerick, Ireland
13th and 14th June 2008

Confirmed Keynote Speakers Include:
Svenja Adolphs
Luke Prodromou
Randi Reppen

The aim of the conference is to continue the success of the previous three
IVACS conferences held at the Universities of Limerick, Belfast and
Nottingham in 2002, 2004 and 2006, by exploring ways in which corpus
linguistics has been applied to other areas of research and pedagogy. We
invite papers that explore how this process has brought new methodological
challenges and benefits, as well as papers that report on applied corpus
research in any of the following areas:
* Corpus Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (data-driven
learning; learner corpora; testing; teacher education;
non-native speakers of English/English as an International
Language (EIL)/English as a Lingua Franca (ELF);
* Corpus Linguistics and Analysing Discourse using CL in
conjunction with other methodologies, e.g. Discourse Analysis,
Conversation Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis); using CL to
look at language in specific contexts, e.g. Media Discourse,
Classroom Discourse, Workplace Discourse, Academic Discourse)
* Corpus Linguistics and Literature (including CL and
Stylistics; CL and Translation Studies)
* Corpus Linguistics and Forensic Linguistics
* Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics
* Corpus Linguistics and Speech Technology
* Corpus Linguistics and Sociolinguistics

Papers focusing on languages other than English, and non-native varieties
of English are particularly welcome.

Abstract Submissions:
Please send your abstract of no more than 200 words as a word attachment

The deadline for receipt of abstracts is December 14th , 2007

Presentation Guidelines:
Papers will be allotted 20 minutes, plus ten minutes for discussion

Astract checklist:
·Title in bold on all copies
·Name, affiliation, address, tel. and e-mail address on separate first page
of the electronic copy
·Text: 200 words maximum
·Format: Single spaced, Times New Roman 12, justified.

Further information about the conference will be posted in due course to
the following web-site:

Further information about the IVACS Research Group is available at

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