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WDN 2010 : International Workshop on Dynamic Networks


When Jun 4, 2010 - Jun 4, 2010
Where Avignon, France
Abstract Registration Due Mar 26, 2010
Submission Deadline Mar 29, 2010
Notification Due Apr 14, 2010
Final Version Due Apr 23, 2010
Categories    network   complex network   dynamic network   social network

Call For Papers

WDN 2010
International Workshop on Dynamic Networks
June 4th, 2010, Avignon, France.
In conjunction with WiOpt 2010

Call for Papers

Large-scale networks with complex interaction patterns between
elements are found in abundance in Communication Networks like: social
networks, blog & collaborative networks, WWW, P2P, DTN, Sensors... In
the last decade many research efforts contributed to establishing the
concept of a network science to characterize, model, and analyze
complex networks. Network Science founds applications in a variety of
domains and show a mainstream research topic of interest for
theoretical physicists, epidemiologists, biologist, economists, and
computer scientists.

For the communication networking community there is a strong research
interest in the analysis of the structure and properties of dynamic
networks at several layers: network/communication layers but also at
the social/application layers. Understanding how the interplay of
these different layers of complex networks happens and the potential
mutual effects they may have on each other in a dynamic graph context
is a key challenge.

- Bio-inspired networks
- Correlation of different types of social networks
- Delay tolerant and disruption tolerant networks (DTN)
- Discrete optimization and algorithms
- Dynamical processes (proliferation, diffusion etc.)
- Game theoretic models, pricing and incentives on dynamic networks
- Implications of social networking on distributed network/systems
- Mobility modeling and management
- Robustness & Stability of dynamical networks
- Sensor Networks
- Social networks
- Characterizing and analyzing dynamic networks
- Tools and methods for collecting, analyzing, or visualizing data
from dynamic networks

Important Date
* Paper registration deadline: March 26th, 2010
* Paper submission deadline: March 29th, 2010
* Notification of acceptance: April 14th, 2010
* Camera-ready papers due: April 23rd, 2010
* Workshop date: June 4th, 2010

Submission Instructions
- Submissions must be no greater than 8 pages in length. The
submission will be handled via EDAS system. Only PDF files are
acceptable; please make sure that the paper prints without problems
(take care to embed all required fonts, etc.).

- Reviews will be single-blind: authors name and affiliation should be
included in the submission.

- Submissions must strictly follow the formatting guidelines at

- The proceedings will be published by IEEE. Accepted papers will be
available via the IEEE Xplorer website.

- Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at
the workshop and . Submissions must be original work not under review
at any other workshop, conference, or journal.

- Papers can be submitted through the submission site on EDAS:

Organizing Committee

General Chairs:
* Eric Fleury (ENS Lyon / D-NET INRIA, France)
* José Ignacio ALVAREZ-HAMELIN (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
* Artur Ziviani (National Laboratory for Scientific Computing -- LNCC, Brazil))

Technical Program Committee:
* To be finalized and announced shortly

Related Resources

SAND 2025   The 4th Symposium on Algorithmic Foundations of Dynamic Networks
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IEEE-Ei/Scopus-CNIOT 2025   2025 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2025) -EI Compendex
ESORICS 2025   European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (round 2)
Ei/Scopus-CVPRAI 2025   2025 International Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (CVPRAI 2025)
CANS 2025   Cryptology and Network Security
MLANN 2025   2025 3rd Asia Conference on Machine Learning, Algorithms and Neural Networks (MLANN 2025)
DBSec 2025   Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy
COMPLEX NETWORKS 2025   International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications
Integrating Embodied Intelligence and Io 2025   Intelligent Computing: Special Issue: Advanced Intelligent Computation for Integrating Embodied Intelligence and IoT Systems