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PWT 2013 : 1st International Workshop on Personalized Web Tasking | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.servicescongress.org/2013/pwt.html | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
In the continuous quest of improving the experience of users interacting with web systems, researchers and practitioners have identified several prerequisites, such as the transparent automation of repetitive and mundane tasks; the automated customization of the experience to the user’s platform; and the personalization of the interaction based on the user’s history, including spatiotemporal and social network context. The topic of personal web tasking draws inspiring ideas from many diverse communities, including web services, RESTful system design, context‐aware computing, sematic web, linked data, HCI, ubiquitous computing, workflow management, and W3C standards such as HTML5 and WebDriver. The objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from many of these diverse areas to engage in stimulating dialogue regarding the fundamental principles, state of the art, and critical challenges of automation and personalization aspects of web tasking, including the concepts, methods, services, architectures, frameworks, and tools that can be used to support web tasking. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: models and algorithms for user‐centric web task management; architecture patterns and feedback control for web tasking; integration mechanisms for web task managers; role of resource-oriented architectures and RESTful services as well as hypermedia for implementing web tasking; formal notations for modeling, analyzing, and enacting web tasks; methods for engineering user‐trust into web task management systems; methods to instrument and reengineer existing systems to manage web tasks over long periods of time; dynamical verification and validation of web tasks; and web tasking exemplars. The 1st International Workshop on Personalized Web Tasking will be held in the context of the 20th International Conference on Web Services ICWS, in Santa Clara California. We invite high quality English-language submissions for Research Technical papers, Industrial/Experience papers, Position Statement papers, and Tool Demonstration papers. Submissions should follow the IEEE CS proceedings style. Research Technical Papers: Papers must be of original research work and are limited to 10 proceedings pages (approximately 6000 words). Industrial / Experience Papers: Papers must discuss industrial practice and experience, describing problems (and their solutions) encountered in areas of the topics of interest of the workshop and are limited to 5 proceedings pages (approximately 3000 words). Position Statement Papers: Position Statement papers present initial results of on-going work or novel approaches in problems related to the topics of interest of the workshop. Position Statement papers are limited to 5 proceedings pages (approximately 3000 words). Tool Papers: Tool Demonstration papers aim to present information on the theory, models, and infrastructure of tools and prototypes addressing problems related to the topics of interest of the workshop. Tool papers are limited to 2 proceedings pages (approximately 1500 words). |