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AGILE 2012 : 15th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science


Conference Series : Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe Conferences
When Apr 24, 2012 - Apr 27, 2012
Where Avignon, France
Submission Deadline Oct 21, 2011
Notification Due Dec 1, 2011
Final Version Due Dec 22, 2011
Categories    GIS

Call For Papers

Potential contributors are invited to submit :

Full-paper submission (Papers mustn't exceed 6000 words and 17 pages) of original and unpublished fundamental scientific research. High-quality scientific submissions will be accepted for presentation at the conference and published in the Springer Lecture Notes on Geoinformation and Cartography. We especially encourage PhD students to submit full papers. Papers must be written in English according to the Springer formatting guidelines. Please remind that your submitted paper must be anonymous (double blind reviewing process). You must drop the author(s) names and all information which could be used to easily retrieve them.
Note: The first anonymous version of the full papers must be submitted in PDF. The final version of accepted full papers included in the Springer Special issue must be provided in .DOC or .DOCX formats based on the Springer Word Document Template. A best practive example showing how to format a full paper submission is provided here. A similar process will be applied on short papers selection, in a second stage, after the selection of the full papers.

Note: AGILE 2012 is running a blind review process. In preparing your manuscript, do not include any information which could reveal your identity, or that of your co-authors. The title section of your manuscript should not contain any author names, email addresses, or affiliation status. In the body of your submission, you should eliminate all direct references to your own previous work. That is, avoid phrases such as "this contribution generalizes our results for XYZ". Also, please do not disproportionately cite your own previous work. In other words, make your submission as anonymous as possible. We need your cooperation in our effort to maintain a fair, blind reviewing process.
Short paper submission (2000 to 3000-word manuscript) of original and unpublished research work. High-quality scientific and strategic (industrial and governmental) submissions will be accepted for presentation at the conference. Papers must be written in English according to the submission template and formatting guidelines.

Poster submission (500 to 1000-word manuscript) of original scientific and strategic research work. High-quality submissions will be accepted for poster presentations at the conference and provide the exceptional opportunity to stimulate scientific discussions and exchange novel ideas. Papers must be written in English according to the submission template and formatting guidelines.
Note: The Chairmen keep the right to examine the submitted papers to evaluate their relevance to the research domain tackled by the AGILE Conference.

Conference Topics

Contributions are invited on all topics within the fields of geoinformation, geomatics and geocomputation :
Perception and Representation of Geographic Phenomena, Spatial Cognition, Space Appropriation
Cognitive Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction for Geographic Information Systems
Spatio(temporal) Data Modelling and Reasoning
Spatio(temporal) Data Analysis
Spatio(temporal) Data Visualisation
Spatio(temporal) Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Spatial Semantics and Spatiotemporal Ontologies
Real time GIS, 3D GIS, temporal GIS
Spatial Data Infrastructures
Semantic Web and GIS
Web Services, Geospatial Systems and Real-time Applications, Webmapping,
Location Based Services and Mobile GI Applications, Networks and Ubiquitous GIS
Mobility of Persons, Objects and Systems, Transports and Flows, Trajectories Analysis,
Geosensors Networks

Public Participation GIS and Participatory uses of Geospatial Information Systems and Technologies
Volunteered Geographic Information
Geospatial Decision Support Systems, Spatial Decision Making Support
GIScience and Spatial Analysis Education and Training
Complex Spatial Systems, Simulation of Spatial Phenomena
Integration, Fusion, Multi-scale and Automatic Generalization for Spatial Information
Spatial Data And Knowledge Bases, Knowledge Representation and Engineering
Modelling and Management of Uncertainty in Space and GIS, Error Propagation, Sensitivity Analysis
Spatial Analysis, Geostatistics
Epistemology and Philosophy of Spatial Thinking and Planning
Uses and Socio-Economic Impacts of Geographic Information (Legal, Economic, Networks of Actors)
Modelling and Spatial Analysis of Urban Dynamics
GIS for Coastal Management, Seashore
GIS for Change of Land use
Demographic and Socioeconomic Spatial Modelling
Environmental/Ecological and Urban/Regional Modelling using GIS and Spatial Analysis
Health, Epidemiology and Medical Geocomputation
GIS and Spatial Analysis for Natural Resources Management and Monitoring
GIS and Spatial Analysis for Disaster and Risk Management, Spatial Vulnerabilities
GIS and Spatial Analysis for Global Change Modelling, Impact on Space

Related Resources

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