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CIR 2015 : Contemporary Indigenous Realities


When Jun 25, 2015 - Jun 27, 2015
Where Niksic, Montenegro
Abstract Registration Due Mar 1, 2015
Submission Deadline Sep 1, 2015
Notification Due Nov 1, 2015
Final Version Due Dec 1, 2015
Categories    224   179   218   96

Call For Papers

We invite scholars to join us at the international conference Contemporary Indigenous Realities to be held at the Faculty of Philosophy, Niksic, University of Montenegro, on June 25-27, 2015.

Realities, being “attributes and circumstances that shape one’s perspective,” invite contributions from a variety of disciplines including cultural and ethnic studies, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, history, arts, literature, linguistics, and education. By “contemporary” we mean exclusively turn-of the twenty-first century phenomena related to indigenous peoples. We hope that scholars working within this broad range of fields should be able to easily tailor their current research around this topic.

We are interested in creating a vivid mosaic of contributions that would also involve performances, story-telling events, screenings, exhibitions, and poster sessions. We anticipate participation of several renowned scholars and filmmakers from Canada and the USA and are working towards an event at which scholars and artists would meet and temporarily work together towards new ideas.

Dr. Timothy Petete, from the University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK, USA, will open the conference addressing Generation X and Indigenous Literature.

Abstracts containing up to 250 words (in Word format), up to 10 keywords, and a bio sketch, should be sent by March 1, 2015 to either Dr. Marija Krivokapic at or Dr. Sanja Runtic at

The conference fee is 70,00 euros for teachers and 50,00 euros for students. It includes conference material with the book of abstracts, conference dinner, conference excursion, refreshments, a CD of performances, and the book of proceedings.

The conference fee is to be paid by May 1, 2015. The bank account details will be sent to the authors after the registration deadline.

For the Organizing Committee,
Neil Diamond, Rezolution Pictures
Dr. Marija Krivokapic
Dr. Timothy Petete
Dr. Sanja Runtic

For the Academic Committee,
Dr. Janko Andrijašević, University of Montenegro
Dr. Jeanine Belgodere, University La Havre, France
Dr. Carla Comellini, University of Bologna, Italy
Dr. Marija Krivokapic, University of Montenegro
Dr. Vesna Lopicic, University of Nis, Serbia
Dr. Aleksandra Nikcevic-Batricevic, University of Montenegro
Dr. Timothy Petete, University of Central Oklahoma, USA
Dr. Sanja Runtic, University of Osijek, Croatia

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