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JTELSS 2015 : 11th Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning


When Jul 4, 2015 - Jul 11, 2015
Where Ischia
Submission Deadline Apr 16, 2015
Notification Due May 1, 2015
Categories    summer school   TEL   e-learning    technology enhanced learning

Call For Papers

We are pleased to announce the 11th Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning, to take place from Monday, July 6th to Friday, July 10th, 2015 in Ischia, Italy. Pre-summer school activities are organized all day on Sunday, July 5th. The summer school aims to encourage participants to adopt a critical stance in thinking about the role of technologies in providing opportunities for learners and the potential of these opportunities in terms of learning. The summer school provides a stimulating learning environment where participants are given opportunities to: develop research skills; increase their knowledge base; collaborate with others in their own and complementary research areas; engage in debate; have access to experts in the field; and discuss their own work. The programme covers topics from a broad range of domains which contribute to advancing the field of Technology Enhanced Learning. TEL research projects are encouraged to provide doctoral candidates with a perspective of the state-of-the-art research under study in their working groups. The programme will also include practical and methodological workshops as well as opportunities for doctoral candidates to develop their personal research and discuss their doctoral work. Upon request we can provide a certificate for the institution of the participant stating how much lectures / workshops and individual work was delivered.

Doctoral Student Applications
Submission Deadline: April 16th, 2015 (extended)
Notification: May 1st, 2015

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