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Neuroinformatics 2011 : 4th INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics


When Sep 4, 2011 - Sep 6, 2011
Where Boston, USA
Submission Deadline Apr 19, 2011
Notification Due May 16, 2011
Categories    neuroinformatics   connectomics

Call For Papers

INCF is an international organization devoted to advancing the field of neuroinformatics. The annual INCF Congress provides a meeting place for researchers in this emerging field. Neuroinformatics 2011 in Boston will be the 4th Congress organized by INCF.

The annual INCF Neuroinformatics Congress provides a meeting place for researchers in all fields related to neuroinformatics, including data- and knowledge-bases of the nervous system from molecular to behavioral levels; tools for the acquisition, analysis, and visualization of nervous system data; and theoretical, computational, and simulation environments for modeling the brain. This year's program committee is headed by Professor Mitsuo Kawato, director at ATR Brain Information Communication Research Laboratory Group in Japan who was himself a keynote speaker at the Stockholm Congress in 2008.

Keynote speakers:
Terry Sejnowski (Salk Institute, UCSD)
Ed Callaway (Salk Institute, UCSD)
Allan Jones (Allen Institute for Brain Science)
Kim "Avrama" Blackwell (George Mason University)
Shin Ishii (Kyoto University)

Network principles derived from analysis and databasing of cortical connectivity
Advances in Computational Psychiatry
Connectome integration across modalities
Functional reconstruction of neural networks

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