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JUCSMOOC 2014 : JUCS: Special Issue on Massive Open Online Courses: Combining Methodologies and Architectures for Success Learning


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jul 6, 2014
Notification Due Oct 19, 2014
Final Version Due Nov 16, 2014
Categories    MOOC   learning analytics   e-learning    cloud services

Call For Papers

Special Issue on Massive Open Online Courses: Combining Methodologies and Architectures for Success Learning - Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS)

Through this special issue we would like to promote a formal and research-sustained dialogue about what MOOCs mean in ICT-based education, with special emphasis in Technological Frameworks / Architectures, Assessment, Gamification, Analytics, Cloud Services and Resources, Universal Design and Accessibility.

Some suggested, but not limited topics are:

- Technological models and frameworks to support MOOCs.
- Assessment (different types of assessment approaches and technologies).
- MOOCs scalability and quality assurance models at the pedagogical and technical level, supported by innovative technology.
- Cloud Services and Resources (the use of innovative Web 2.0 applications and resources that can be orchestrated through interoperable API's to the MOOC learning environment).
- Learning Analytics.
- Gamification and Social Learning artefacts.
- Universal Design and Accessibility issues in MOOCs contents and platforms.
- Adaptive policies for managing different participant profiles.
- Pedagogical issues, tutoring roles and human interaction in MOOCs development.
- Security and accreditation models.

Important dates:

- Paper submission: July 6th 2014
- Notification to authors: October 19th 2014
- Submission of revised papers: November 16th 2014
- Publication: January 2015

Instructions for authors:

All submissions have to be related and present technological advances for MOOCs with a pedagogical sound foundation. Submissions that present among the technical advances, real test-bed use cases, are encouraged and will have higher qualification.

Manuscripts should not exceed 18 pages. Papers should be prepared according to the JUCS's guidelines for authors available at

Submit your work for a blind review process by at least 3 reviewers.

Papers must be submitted via EasyChair:

For more information visit:

Guest Editors:
Al Essa, Vice President, Analytics, Research and Development, McGraw-Hill Education, USA
Carlos Delgado Kloss, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, SPAIN
Francisco J. García-Peñalvo, Director GRIAL, University of Salamanca, SPAIN
Rocael Hernández-Rizzardini, Director GES, Galileo University, GUATEMALA

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