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LA-WEB 2008 : 6th Latin American Web Congress


Conference Series : Latin American Web Congress
When Oct 28, 2008 - Oct 30, 2008
Where Vila Velha, ES, Brazil
Submission Deadline Jul 6, 2008
Notification Due Aug 6, 2008
Categories    web   web 2.0

Call For Papers

LA-Web 2008 is the sixth of a series of refereed conferences aimed at
providing a venue in Latin America for researchers and technologists
from around the world to present, demonstrate and discuss the latest
Web developments. LA-Web 2008 will be held in Vila Velha, Espírito
Santo, Brazil.

LA-WEB 2008 is endorsed by the IW3C2 International World Wide Web
Conference Committee and its proceedings will be published by the IEEE
Computer Society Press. This year, LA-WEB will be co-located with
WEBMedia 2008.

We invite high quality papers describing original work in all areas
of Web research. Papers should properly place the work in the context
of the conference's theme, cite related work, and clearly indicate its
innovative aspects and contributions to the field. Papers must be
submitted electronically via the conference's website, and must be
formatted using the IEEE-CS guidelines (see below). We encourage
authors to submit papers of up to 10 pages long.


Vila Velha is part of the metropolitan Vitória, which is one of
Brazil's oldest capitals. A city that has modernized itself without
losing sight of its historical background. It unites past and present
in the same beautiful scene, from the traditions of fishermen and clay
potmakers to the many buildings and monuments in the Historical Center
with its churches and secular convents.

The city has beautiful mangroves, parks, squares and gardens. It is
one of the most arboreous cities in Espírito Santo. There are 91
square meters of green area for each inhabitant that are distributed
between leisure retreats and environmental preservation areas.
Ecosystems that shelter hundreds of flora and fauna species, and
contribute to the quality of life of the residents as well as
enchanting visitors.

Fishes, shrimps and crabs, prepared in clay pots, are the basic
ingredients of the Capixaba fish stew and pie, which is the most
traditional plate. However the city also offers visitors a chance to
navigate through an enormous variety of seasonings and flavors. Dozens
of restaurants, which are guaranteed by the townhall's standard
Quality Seal, cultivate and reinvent Brazilian and international

The sun illuminates Vitória and shines across its bay of clear waters,
unmasking the calm and cozy beaches that welcome residents and
visitors. And when night falls, the city joy is revealed in the
charming bars and night clubs where there is always a smile and
friendly word for new arrivals. Furthermore, Vitória offers a varied
and sophisticated commerce which can attend to the most demanding

Important Dates

Paper Submission: July 6, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: Aug 6, 2008
Camera-ready version: Aug 18, 2008


* Browsers and user interfaces
* E-commerce, E-Science, E-government and E-Learning
* Digital libraries
* Multimedia and hypermedia
* Mobility and ubiquitous web access
* Performance, reliability and scalability
* Search and data mining
* Semantic web
* Web engineering
* Collaboration and web communities
* Security, privacy and copyright issues
* XML and web services
* Collaborative tagging
* Blogging
* Social Networks
* Web spam characterization, detection and filtering
* Web visualization
* Web usability and accessibility
* Web 2.0 approaches and applications

Conference Chair

Ricardo Baeza-Yates
Yahoo! Research, Spain & Chile
CWR/DCC, Univ. of Chile

Steering Committee

Virgilio Almeida, UFMG, Brazil
Ricardo Baeza-Yates (coordinator)
Alfredo Sanchez, Univ. de Las Americas, Mexico
Daniel Schwabe, PUC-Rio, Brazil

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Wagner Meira Jr., UFMG, Brazil
Luis Antonio Olsina, UNLPam, Argentina

Organizing Committee

Claudine Badue, UFES, Brazil (Chair)
Elias Oliveira, UFES, Brazil
Alberto Ferreira de Souza, UFES, Brazil
Javier Velasco, CWR, Univ. of Chile

Partial Program Committee

Please see web site for details.

Current Sponsors

Yahoo! Research


SBC (pending)
SADIO (pending)

More Information

Related Resources

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IJWSC 2025   International Journal on Web Service Computing
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