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CDVE 2008 : The 5th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering


Conference Series : Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering
When Sep 21, 2008 - Sep 25, 2008
Where Mallorca, Spain
Abstract Registration Due Feb 15, 2008
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2008
Categories    HCI   visualization

Call For Papers

areas of papers

Cooperative design (CD)
â?¢ Multiple user, multiple location collaborative design applications
â?¢ Concurrent design, collaborative editing, real time user interactions
â?¢ Demonstrating feasibility and applicability in CD
â?¢ Design for total life cycle support: from design to manufacturing or construction
â?¢ Cooperative design analysis, verification, integration and interoperability, standards
â?¢ Scenarios, case studies of cooperative design in mechanical engineering, aero-space engineering, building architecture, engineering and construction, automobile, microelectronics, software engineering, entertainment and other areas
â?¢ Special issues in cooperative design

Cooperative visualization (CV)
â?¢ Multiple user, multiple location visualization, concurrent visualization,
â?¢ System architecture, prototypes, user interfaces for CV: web applications, textual and multimedia 2D, 3D desktop interfaces, 3D virtual world environments, and multiple user embedded systems.
â?¢ Large scale, massive data storage, access, exploration, and manipulation, for cooperative visualization
â?¢ Multi-resolution and other efficient computer graphics, visualization algorithms for cooperative visualization
â?¢ Visualization in multiple user games, networked games, simulation visualization for multiple users

Cooperative engineering (CE)
â?¢ Total life cycle support: from design to manufacturing and construction
â?¢ Collaborative process planning, scheduling, control, conformance testing and interoperability checking, cooperative decision making.
â?¢ Human-machine interfaces, frameworks, reference models, architectures, tools and systems for CE
â?¢ Concurrent prototyping, manufacturing and engineering.
â?¢ Concurrent process modeling, product modeling, reference models, business models, data representations and standards.
â?¢ Integration and interoperability, intelligent infrastructures and automated methods for integrating systems, multi-level integration, enterprise integration
â?¢ Long-term large scale project data archiving, access, concurrent data control for CE
â?¢ Industrial scenarios, case studies of CE: in mechanical engineering, aero-space engineering, AEC (architecture, engineering and construction), automobile, microelectronics, and others

Cooperative applications (CA)
â?¢ Cooperative learning,
â?¢ Multiple user gaming
â?¢ Cooperative decision making
â?¢ Social networks
â?¢ Information integration in sensor networks
â?¢ Web based cooperation tools, cooperative web design such as Wiki's
â?¢ Other cooperative applications

Basic theories, methods and technologies that support CDVE (BT)
â?¢ Distributed systems, grid systems, real time systems, groupwares
â?¢ Algorithms, architectures, frameworks, platforms for CDVE
â?¢ Data consistency, concurrent processing, middleware, agent based methods
â?¢ Collaborative and multimode working environment
â?¢ Design patterns, reusability and component-based methods
â?¢ Communication, transport, application protocols for CDVE
â?¢ Internet computing, web environment for collaborative working
â?¢ Knowledge management, information systems, large databases, data-mining
â?¢ Ontology for information sharing, cooperative applications
â?¢ Security for CDVE
â?¢ Human machine interaction for CDVE

Topics NOT on call for papers - why your paper was rejected
â?¢ Only design, visualization, engineering and applications themselves NOT cooperative
We emphasize the cooperative aspect of the applications, not themselves.
â?¢ Basic therories, methods and applications with no direct relationship with cooperative design, visualization and engineering, nor any cooperative aspects

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