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I RSW in Artificial Intelligence 2022 : I Regional Scientific Workshop “Artificial Intelligence in Digital Transformation” | |||||||||||||||||
Link: https://www.uic.cu/i-taller-cientifico-regional-la-inteligencia-artificial-en-la-trasformacion-digital/ | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
The Cuban Association of Computer Scientists calls for works to the First Edition of the Scientific Workshop "Artificial Intelligence in Digital Transformation", to be held on May 20, 2022, virtually, with a face-to-face meeting at the Computing Provincial Palace of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
DEADLINE Those interested in participating in the event must send an EXTENDED SUMMARY of their work to: uic.santiagodecuba@uic.cu "Thinking on our digital transformation" is the motto that will accompany the event on this occasion, which supports the idea of the innovative application of Artificial Intelligence in technological solutions to processes and products, based on the economic and social development of the country, as well as meeting the needs of an Industry 4.0. The virtual event will bring together professionals and students of Informatics Sciences, Computing, Bioengineering, Neurosciences, Psychology, Neurotechnology, Medical Sciences, Education Sciences, Economic and Business Sciences and Technical Sciences in general committed to digital transformation for social, economic and scientific development in Cuba, whose research applies artificial intelligence. MODALITIES OF THE SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM: The workshop will take place in three modalities: 1. Specialized online conferences. 2. Webinars or discussion forums. 3. Oral presentations. 4. Electronic poster. The author can suggest the mode of presentation. However, the Scientific Committee may propose a presentation modality different from the one suggested. In the case of Webinars, the authors can propose a central theme and suggest several papers to include in it. Online conferences will last 30 minutes, in all cases. Several papers or oral presentations on common topics may structure Webinars or discussion forums. Its duration 60 to 90 minutes. Oral presentations will last 10 minutes. The associated topics are related to contributions from Artificial Intelligence: * Human health. * The processing of images and biological signals. * The processing of signals associated with industrial processes. * Natural language processing. * Cognitive modeling and Artificial Intelligence. * Government and smart city. * The use of Artificial Intelligence in products and with high value-added services. * Use of Artificial Intelligence in the processing of large volumes of data (Big Data). * Teaching Artificial Intelligence. * Artificial Intelligence in teaching. * Contributions of psychology to the development of artificial intelligence. * The application of Artificial Intelligence in the modeling of the human mind. REQUIREMENTS: * For the elaboration of the Abstracts, the authors must adjust the following rules. Abstracts that do not meet these requirements will not be considered by the Scientific Committee: * The text sent will not have a presentation or cover page, divisions, page breaks, or sections. It will not have any layout, pagination, indents, tabs, hyperlinks, or any other attributes such as header and footer, frames, etc. * Microsoft Word format (*.doc, *.docx). * Letter size sheet (21.59 cm x 27.94 cm). * Normal margins (2.5 cm top and bottom and sides). * Font Arial Narrow size 12. * Justified text. * Line spacing 1.5, to a space between words, with spacing between previous and subsequent paragraphs of 6 points. * Spanish or English language. * the name of the file may be identified with the name and surname of the author designated for the communication (Example: Pedro Díaz.docx). * Abstracts must contain the following data and conditions: * Title of the Work in Spanish, all in capital letters, bold. * Title of the work in English, only the first letter in capitals, bold, italics. * Full name and surname of each author. The names will be separated by commas, and ordered according to the participation in the study. Each one will have a superscript in Roman numeral to reflect each of their non-administrative academic data: profession, scientific categories, teaching and research category, institutional affiliation, province, country, email and ORCID code. * Summary between 550 and 600 words, structured as follows: * Introduction: * Objectives: * Methods: * Results: * Conclusions. * Bibliographic references. * It must include among 5 and 10 of the fundamental and most up-to-date bibliographical references of your work. * References must use APA style of Bibliographical Annotation 7th Edition (https://normas-apa.org/wpcontent/uploads/Guia-Normas-APA-7ma-edicion.pdf). keywords: 3 to 5 keywords, separated by semicolon, in Spanish and English. |