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Book-EGov 2013 : IGI Book: Emerging Mobile and Web 2.0 Technologies for Connected E-Government


When N/A
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Submission Deadline Jul 31, 2013
Final Version Due Sep 15, 2013
Categories    e-government   web 2.0   mobile   connected e-gov

Call For Papers


Emerging Mobile and Web 2.0 Technologies for Connected E-Government

A book edited by Professor Zaigham Mahmood
(University of Derby UK; North West Uni. S Africa)
To be published by IGI Global

Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline: 31 July 2013 (extended)
Full Chapter Submission Deadline: 15 Sep 2013

***** Introduction

E-Government is about harnessing the information revolution to improve the lives of citizens and business organizations and to improve the efficiency of governments. It aims at a citizen centred vision of a government that provides effective governance, increased transparency, effective processes and efficient services through the use of the Internet and information and communication technologies (ICTs). Previously, ICT referred to computing systems and telephones. However, with the recent technological innovations, many newer technologies can also be used much more effectively for even better connected e-government. Such technologies include: Web 2.0 and Social media (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr, widgets, blogs and RSS feeds) as well as mobile technologies including smart phones. Web 2.0 or ‘conversational web’ provides a way of open sharing of communications between its users through web pages that are ‘two-way conversational’ and more dynamic. Social media helps the government to directly communicate with its constituents, also providing a means for citizens to ‘socially network’ with each other. Mobile technologies now deliver far more than just the web-based solutions - a smart phone is probably the most used device for social interactions. There are many other emerging paradigms (e.g Cloud Computing that encompasses another set of technologies) that can also be leveraged for more effective data storage and much quicker applications development and execution. In this context, governments need to consider implementing Web 2.0 and using social media and mobile technologies as a way of becoming more relevant to their citizens by publishing accessible e-services and enabling open communications. Citizens also need to participate in e-democracy by consuming the offered e-services and through effective use of afore mentioned technologies.

The purpose of this book is twofold. Firstly, to discuss how the latest commonly used technologies and tools can be effectively used by governments to enhance the effectiveness and transparency of their functions including the provision of e-services. Secondly, to discuss how these technologies and tools can be used by the citizens to effectively access the e-services and fully participate in the affairs of the state.

***** Aim and Objectives

The specific aim of this book is to suggest ways to develop a more effective ‘connected government’ by discussing and presenting case studies on the use of newer technologies such as Web 2.0, Social Media and Mobile Technologies and tools such as smart phones.

The objectives are:
• To capture the state-of-the-art research and practice with respect to the use of afore mentioned technologies for development of e-government projects and e-services
• To advance the understanding and methodologies with respect to the use of the same by the citizens to consume e-services and adopt innovative approaches
• To discuss frameworks, policies and strategies for successful implementation of projects for a better c-government (connected government)
• To discuss issues, limitations and barriers to e-government development and e-governance of connected government
• To explore the effects of cultural and local factors on the successful development of c-government projects and successful consumption by the citizens
• To share best practices, guidelines, recommendations and ideas based on case studies from successful e-government, m-government and c-government projects
• To present case studies highlighting practical experiences.

***** Recommended Topics:

• E-government (EG), c-government and m-government policies, strategies and frameworks
• E-government, c-government and m-government stages, models and methodologies
• E-democracy, e-voting, e-legislation and e-services
• Government-to- government and government-to-business interactions
• Government-to-citizen-to-government interactions and e-participation of citizens
• Effective provision of e-services and use of Web 2.0, social media and mobile technologies
• Pre-requisites for EG implementation when using the afore mentioned technologies
• E-readiness and ICT infrastructure provision as well as training provision for citizens
• EG, c-government and m-government project initiation, planning and implementation
• EG, c-government and m-government project evaluation metrics
• Use of Web 2.0, social media and mobile technologies in connected EG
• Success factors and best practices in relation to the use of afore mentioned technologies
• Challenges and opportunities in relation to the use of afore mentioned technologies
• Strategies for successful adoption of EG, c-government and m-government by the masses
• Resource, ethical and legal issues with reference to e-government
• Diffusion of Innovation and other relevant theories with reference to e-government
• Experience and comparison reports relating to EG, c-government and m-government
• EG Case studies from developed and developing countries
• Knowledge management in EG, c-government and m-government projects
• And other topics relevant to successful implementation and adoption of e-government.

***** Submission Procedure

Researchers, practitioners and decision makers are invited to submit 1-2 page chapter proposals clearly explaining the objective, contribution to BoK, brief content and structure of the proposed chapters. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified within two weeks (in most cases) and given instructions and guidelines for full chapter preparation. Full chapters should be about 10,000 words or approximately 20 pages in length. Full chapters will be reviewed following a double-blind peer review process to ensure quality and high information content. Proposals and full chapters, as WORD files, should be sent to:

***** Important dates
• Chapter proposals submission deadline: 31 July 2013
• Full chapters submission deadline: 15 Sep 2013
• Revised chapters submission deadline: 1 Nov 2013

For Enquiries: please contact the editor, Zaigham Mahmood:


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