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ISAF 2022 : 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics


When Jun 27, 2022 - Jul 1, 2022
Where Tours, France
Submission Deadline Jan 28, 2022
Notification Due Feb 18, 2022
Final Version Due Jun 27, 2022
Categories    ferroelectronics   dielectrics   solid ionic applications   theory and modeling

Call For Papers

Welcome to the 2022 ISAF-PFM-ECAPD Joint Conference. The conference will be held in Tours, France from June 27 - July 1, 2022. This international conference aims to bring together leaders from academia, national laboratories, and industrial research and development sectors. The conference will cover the most recent advancements in the science and technology of ferroelectrics, electroceramics, thin films, dielectric materials, and their applications.

The symposium will offer overviews on topics including, but not limited to:

•Fundamentals of ferroelectrics and multiferroic materials (theory, modeling, and experiments)
•Processing of piezoelectric crystals, ceramics, thick and thin films, composite, polymers, glassceramics, and MLCCs
•Lead-free dielectric and piezoelectric materials (A3+)
•Structure characterization and properties of ferroelectric materials (dielectric, piezoelectric, ferroelectric, pyroelectric, electrocaloric, flexoelectric, photovoltaics, and photocatalytics, etc.)
•Applications of ferroelectrics (sensing, transducing, thermal imaging, energy harvesting, and storage, etc.)

•Instrumental aspects of PFM, ESM, SS-PFM, and related techniques
•Nanoelectromechanics of materials and PFM/ESM theory
•Ferroelectric tunneling and memristor effect via PFM/ESM
•Multiferroic phenomena on the nanoscale
•Disordered ferroelectrics and mesoscopic effects by PFM
•Ferroelectric data storage and polarization lithography
•Ionic conductors, battery materials, and fuel cells on the nanoscale
•Ferroelectric photovoltaics and tipenhanced phenomena
•Ferroelectric semiconductors and surface phenomena
•Interface engineering via PFM
•Biocompatible & organic polar materials on the nanoscale
•1D and 2D nanostructured materials via PFM

•Ultra-thin films and low dimensional nanostructures (including fundamentals, synthesis, and characterization)
•Domains and domain walls (including fundamentals, advanced characterization, domain wall dynamics, and engineering)
•Multiferroics and magnetoelectrics (including fundamentals, processing, and properties) •Piezoelectricity (including high-performance piezoelectric single crystals and thin films, lead-free piezoelectrics, piezoelectric polymers, MEMS & other integrated piezo-devices)
•Materials for energy generation, conversion, and storage (including high-energy density and high-power capacitors, electrocalorics, thermoelectrics, pyroelectrics, piezoelectrics, photovoltaics, etc. and their applications)
•Ferroelectric memory materials & devices (including novel materials, ultra-thin film synthesis and characterization, CMOScompatible processes, device integration, nonvolatile memory, and neuromorphic computing applications)
•Advanced characterization and simulation methods for polar dielectrics (including atomic-scale microscopy techniques, UV/VIS/IR/ Raman/NMR, etc. spectroscopy, dielectric and microwave spectroscopy, XRD and neutron diffraction techniques, ab initio simulations, molecular dynamics, artificial intelligence, accelerated material discovery, phase-field method, etc.)

IEEE ISAF 2022 is sponsored by IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC).

Please contact the ISAF 2022 Conference Manager Kerstin Bonicard at

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