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VINCI 2019 : The 12th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction


When Sep 20, 2019 - Sep 22, 2019
Where Shanghai
Submission Deadline Jun 10, 2019
Notification Due Jul 10, 2019
Final Version Due Jul 22, 2019
Categories    visualization   visual analysis   visual communication   information visualization

Call For Papers

1. Scope and Topics
We solicit original, unpublished research papers that focus on all aspects of visual information communication and interaction, either via images, computer graphics, animations, virtual reality, web, or other media. Research papers may address cognitive and design aspects, underlying theories, taxonomies, implementation work, tool support, and case studies. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

Aesthetics in visual communication
Empirical studies of novel visual metaphors
Cognitive aspects of visual information comprehension
Visual analytics
Visual communication metaphors
Graph drawing and network visualization
Visual approaches to knowledge discovery
Computational aesthetics
Visual interaction through multimodality
Graphical user interface design
Visual modeling languages and UML
Influence of visual arts and design
Visual programming languages
Visualization on mobile devices
Information visualization
Applications like SoftVis, BioVis, GeoVis, etc
Human-computer interaction

2. Paper Submission
Submissions that address research and development, as well as experience reports and tool demonstrations on the above and other related topics are strongly encouraged. Papers can be submitted as full papers, short papers and posters. Each submitted symposium paper will be peer-reviewed by at least three International Program Committee members. All accepted papers and posters will appear in the proceedings of VINCI 2019 published by ACM Press and made available in the ACM Digital Library (EI indexed). Moreover, authors of a number of selected full papers of high quality will be invited to prepare revised versions of their work for submission to a special issue of the Journal of Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art.

Research papers and experience reports of up to eight (8), short papers of up to four (4), and tool demonstrations or posters of up to two (2) ACM double-column pages should be submitted through The review process will be single-blind. We appreciate the submission of videos or other supplemental material. Please provide a URL at the end of the submitted paper to enable the reviewers the download of your additional material. Detailed information on the electronic submission can be found at the end of this page.

3. Submission Guidelines
All submissions (regular papers, proposals of workshops/tutorial/etc) must be formatted using the ACM Proceedings Template (using sigconf format/template: and should consist of one single PDF file (please note: the authors of accepted papers will be later requested to submit source Latex or Word files during camera-ready version submission). The maximum length of each symposium paper is defined as follows.

Full paper: up to 8 pages (including references)
Short paper: up to 4 pages (additional 1 page only for references is allowed)
Poster: up to 2 pages (including references) [Fast-Forward Template]
NOTE: All paper submissions should be made through the EasyChair( conference management system. In case of any questions related to the submission process or conference program, contact the program chairs via, please.

Workshop / Tutorial / Special Session / Panel proposals should be sent via email to Please add the concrete proposal type to the subject line.

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