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WEHA 2019 : International Workshop on Exploitation of High Performance Heterogeneous Architectures and Accelerators


When Jul 15, 2019 - Jul 19, 2019
Where Dublin
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2019
Notification Due Apr 22, 2019
Final Version Due May 8, 2019
Categories    heterogeneous accelerators   language and compilers   memory systems   algorithms

Call For Papers


As part of
The 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2019) or

July 15 – 19, 2019
Dublin, Ireland

Paper Submission Deadline: 25 March 2019

Submissions could be for full papers, short papers, poster papers, or posters

For the last years, we have seen significant changes in processor architectures to improve computing performance and to overcome the physical limitations of increasing the clock frequency. The importance of hardware accelerators (GPUs, co-processors, FPGAs, etc.) has rapidly increased, especially in the computationally demanding disciplines such as realistic 3D computer graphics and high-performance scientific computing. The use of these accelerators for General-Purpose computation achieves speedups of orders of magnitude versus optimized CPU implementations, as well as reduces energy requirements. They have become powerful, capable, and inexpensive co-processors useful for a wide variety of computation. Moreover, it has become a common trend to see the development of clusters and supercomputers, where nodes include not only CPU cores but also accelerators. An efficient exploitation of these heterogeneous systems requires sharing the work among all available resources.

The aim of this workshop is to strongly encourage the exchange of experiences and knowledge in novel solutions exploiting and defining new trends in hardware accelerators and/or heterogeneous systems, including hardware architecture, resource management, software tools, and applications.

The authors of the papers selected for the workshop will be invited to submit extended versions of their manuscripts to be considered for publication in a journal special issue.

The WEHA Workshop topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

Heterogeneous accelerators, many-core systems and architectures
Design and analysis of computing grids and hybrid clusters
Heterogeneous Cloud systems and data centers
Languages and Compilers for Hardware Accelerators
Programming models and tools for heterogeneous architectures
Memory systems for heterogeneous architectures and accelerators
Resource Management of Heterogeneous Architectures
Libraries and Tools to Simplify the Programming of Hardware Accelerators and/or Heterogeneous Architectures
Manual and Automatic Performance Optimization Techniques for Hardware Accelerators and/or Heterogeneous Architectures
Application Development Experience on Hardware Accelerators and/or Heterogeneous Architectures
Benchmarking of Hardware Accelerators
Modeling and Performance Prediction for Hardware Accelerators and/or Heterogeneous Architectures
Application-specific Acceleration Hardware/Software
Algorithms and hardware architectures for reduced power, energy and heat
Accelerated Computing and Energy
Novel Accelerator and Heterogeneous Architectures
Applications and case studies related to hardware accelerators and/or heterogeneous architectures

You are invited to submit original and unpublished research works on above and other topics related to exploitation of high performance heterogeneous architectures and accelerators. Submitted papers must not have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere until it appears in HPCS proceedings, in the case of acceptance, or notified otherwise. Submission can be for
- Regular papers, please submit a PDF copy of your full manuscript, not to exceed 8 double-column formatted pages per template, and include up to 6 keywords and an abstract of no more than 400 words. Additional pages will be charged additional fee. Submission should include a cover page with authors' names, affiliation addresses, fax numbers, phone numbers, and all authors email addresses. Please, indicate clearly the corresponding author(s) although all authors are equally responsible for the manuscript.
- Short papers (up to 4 pages), please submit a PDF copy of your full manuscript, not to exceed 4 double-column formatted pages per template, and include up to 6 keywords and an abstract of no more than 400 words. Additional pages will be charged additional fee. Submission should include a cover page with authors' names, affiliation addresses, fax numbers, phone numbers, and all authors email addresses. Please, indicate clearly the corresponding author(s) although all authors are equally responsible for the manuscript.
- Poster papers and Posters (please refer to for posters submission details) will also be considered.

Please specify the type of submission you have. Please include page numbers on all preliminary submissions to make it easier for reviewers to provide helpful comments.

Submit a PDF copy of your full manuscript to the Workshop paper submission site at . Acknowledgement will be sent within 48 hours of submission.

Conference Policies
Only PDF files will be accepted, uploaded to the submission link above. Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, relevance, significance, technical clarity and presentation, language, and references. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper will have to register and attend the HPCS 2019 conference to present the paper at the Workshop as scheduled. By submitting the paper to the HPCS conference, all authors agree to abide by all HPCS conference paper submission, publication and presentation policies as well as following ethical and professional codes of conduct, including those of the professional co-sponsoring organizations. For more information, please refer to the Authors Info and Registration Info pages.

Accepted papers will be published in the Conference proceedings. Instructions for final manuscript format and requirements will be posted on the HPCS 2019 Conference web site. It is our intent to have the proceedings formally published in hard and soft copies and be available at the time of the conference. The proceedings is projected to be included in the IEEE or ACM Digital Library and indexed in all major indexing services accordingly.

Plans are underway to have the best papers, in extended version, selected for possible publication in a reputable journal as special issue. Detailed information will soon be announced and will be made available on the conference website.

If you have any questions about paper submission or the Workshop, please contact the workshop organizers.


Paper Submissions: ------------------------------------------- 25 March 2019
Acceptance Notification: ------------------------------------- 17 April 2019
Camera Ready Papers and Registration Due by: ----------------- 08 May 2019
Conference Dates: ------------------------------------------- 15–19 July 2019


Victor Viñals-Yúfera
Department of Informatics and Systems Engineering
University of Zaragoza, Spain
Phone: +34 976 762 108
Fax: +34 976 761 914

Darío Suárez Gracia
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering
University of Zaragoza, Spain
Phone: +34 976 762 103
Fax: +34 976 761 419

Rubén Gran Tejero
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering
University of Zaragoza, Spain
Phone: +34 976 762 341
Fax: +34 976 761 419

International Program Committee*:
All submitted papers will be rigorously reviewed by the workshop technical program committee members following similar criteria used in HPCS 2019 and will be published as part of the HPCS 2019 Proceedings.

Shaizeen Aga, AMD Research, California, USA
Jorge Albericio, Nvidia Research, California, USA
Maria Jesus Garzaran, Intel Corporation, Illinois, USA
Benedict R. Gaster, University of West of England, U.K.
Antonio González, Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain
Ulya Karpuzcu, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
Tushar Kumar, Google Inc., California, USA
Xavier Martorell, Barcelona Supercomputing Center-CNS, Spain
Aravind Natarajan, Qualcomm Inc., California, USA
Tony Nowatzki, University of California - Los Angeles, California, USA
Vassilis Papaefstathiou, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), Crete, Greece
Alejandro Valero Breso, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Maria Villarroya, Universitdad de Zaragoza, Spain

Related Resources

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HPDC- 2025   ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) 2025: Call for Papers
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