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IMC-AETM 2020 : International Multi-Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology, and Management


When Nov 18, 2020 - Nov 20, 2020
Where Bangkok, Thailand
Submission Deadline Aug 21, 2020
Notification Due Oct 14, 2020
Final Version Due Oct 30, 2020
Categories    transportation   chemical engineering   mechanical engineering   railway engineering

Call For Papers

International Multi-Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology, and Management (IMC-AETM 2020)
November 18-19, 2020, Bangkok, Thailand

International Multi-Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology, and Management (IMC-AETM 2020) aims to provide an international forum for researchers and industry practitioners. Our goals are to share their new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences related to advances in engineering, technology, and management. The conference calls for research papers reporting original investigation results of research and development on real engineering, technology, and management applications.
Important Dates

Paper Submission August 21, 2020
Acceptance Notification October 14, 2020
Camera-Ready October 30, 2020
IMC-AETM 2020 Conference November 18-19, 2020
Host and Co-Host

Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University
National Science and Technology Development Agency
Kasetsart University
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
Mahidol University
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Topics in IMC-AETM 2020 are listed below, but not limited to:
Automotive and Advanced Transportation Engineering Track
Active and Passive Vehicle Safety, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Assistive Mobility Systems, Automated Vehicles, Automotive/Vehicle Engineering, Autonomous / Intelligent Robotic Vehicles, Collision Avoidance, Cooperative Vehicle-infrastructure Systems, Driver State and Intent Recognition, Eco-driving and Energy-efficient Vehicles, Electric and Hybrid Technologies, Human Machine Interaction, Image/Radar/Lidar Signal Processing, Traffic Flows, Intelligent Ground, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Pedestrian Protection, Proximity Awareness Technology, Smart Mobile in-Vehicle Systems, Smart Vehicle Systems/Control/Tracking, Telematics, Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication

Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Track
Chemical engineering fundamentals, Chemical reaction engineering, equipment and process design, Thermodynamics, Catalysis & reaction engineering, Crystallization, Distillation, absorption and extraction, Ionic liquids/electrolyte solutions, Process system, instrumentation and control, Energy and environment, Bioengineering and biomedical engineering, Biochemical/bio-molecular engineering, Process system, instrumentation & control, Nanomanufacturing, Controlled release of the active ingredient, CFD & chemical engineering, Food engineering, Nanomaterials, Particle technology, Mathematical modeling in chemical engineering, Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Advanced materials processing, Sustainable & clean technologies, New materials & structured products, Biotechnology

Industrial and Mechanical Engineering Track
Design and Manufacturing Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechatronics and Automation, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Textile and Leather Technology, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Production Planning and Control, Operations Research, Total Quality Management, Thermal System and Fluid Mechanics, Energy and Combustion, Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing, Automotive, Aerospace and Marine Engineering, Dynamic Systems, Robotics and Controls, Biomechanics.

Information & Communication Technology and Computer Science Track
Communication Networks and Security, Software Engineering, Signal Processing, Network Management, Cloud Computing, Parallel and distributed computing, Information theory, Machine learning, Next Generation Networks, Software Engineering, Computer Applications, Computer Networks, Algorithms and data structures, Program semantics and verification, Natural Language Processing, Theoretical computer science and algebra, Computational complexity, economics, geometry, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and Applications

Management Technology and Management Track
Financial Management, Marketing Management, HR Management, Retail Management, E-Commerce Technologies, Strategic Management, Financial and Management Accounting, Business Statistics, Business communication, Enterprise Resource Planning, Service science, management and engineering, Operations, Logistics and Supply chain management, Optimization, Probabilistic and Statistical Model, Economics, Occupational safety and health management, Ergonomics, Human Resource and Organization management, Environmental management

Railway Engineering Track
Advanced train control, Operational quality, Risk management, Planning and policy, Monitoring and maintenance, Energy efficiency and power supply, Signaling and train control systems, Timetabling and rescheduling, Safety and security, Vehicle dynamics, Driverless and automatic train operation, System integration, High-speed technology, Interoperability, Modelling and simulation

Sustainable Energy, Resources Engineering, and Environmental Technology Track
Technologies related to hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, wave power, geothermal energy, bioenergy, tidal power, Distributed power generation, Power grid, Microgrids, Green energy generation, Load forecasting, Power electronics devices, Batteries for intermittent power sources, Energy management systems, Sustainable coal use and clean coal technologies, Natural gas, Biofuel, Electric power generation, transmission & distribution, Microgrid & active distribution network management, FACTS and HVDC controllers, Smart grid and Renewable energy integration, Energy storage and cyber security, Electric/Hybrid vehicles, Green Buildings/Infrastructures, Low carbon and Green energy, GIS for Environmental Assessment, Ecology, Air Pollution and Treatment, Water/Waste Pollutions and Management, Water and Waste Treatment, Ecosystem Assessment
Paper Submission

Proceedings will be published by SIIT, Thammasat university and NSTDA. The first page should include the paper title, the names and the complete mailing addresses of all authors, and the e-mail address of the corresponding author. Each paper should consist of up to 200-word abstract, up to 5 keywords. No page number should be printed. All the text, figures and reference must be between 4-6 double-column A4 pages with font size of 10 pts. Authors MUST use the IMC-AETM 2020 manuscript submission guidelines for their initial submissions. All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format only, using the conference management tool. The submitted papers must not be published or under consideration to be published elsewhere.
Special Issue

A number of selected papers will be considered to publish in a special issue of a journal.
More Information

Any question can be sent to process, e-mail:


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