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DCIIA Academic Forum 2019 : Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association 2019 Academic Forum


When Nov 20, 2019 - Nov 21, 2019
Where New York City
Abstract Registration Due May 31, 2019
Submission Deadline Jun 28, 2019
Notification Due Jun 18, 2019
Final Version Due Jul 28, 2019
Categories    finance   gerontology   investments   retirement

Call For Papers

The Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association is now accepting research submissions for consideration for its annual Academic Forum. The Forum will be held on November 20-21, 2019 in New York City.

The audience at this event includes approximately 350 senior business leaders from the retirement industry including investment managers, recordkeepers, consultants, and other service providers as well as plan sponsors. New this year, DCIIA is partnering with the Journal of Retirement. Previously unpublished research submissions will also be considered for publication in a special edition of the Journal of Retirement. (We will still accept submissions of previously published research for presentation at the Academic Forum.)

The Academic Forum focuses on addressing issues facing defined contribution plan sponsors and plan participants. The Forum is typically structured as a series of moderated panel discussions where researchers present insights in the context of a specific theme. DCIIA is particularly interested in researchers who can demonstrate practical applications of their insights and findings. Past topics include:

‒ Behavioral finance
‒ Investment selection and asset allocation
‒ Plan design and outcomes
‒ Legal/fiduciary frameworks
‒ Financial wellness, advice, and education
‒ Environmental, social, and governance investing
‒ Aging, healthcare, and retirement
‒ Retirement income

The sessions are generally moderated by an industry executive. It is expected that researchers will make themselves available for prep calls and have any presentation materials available by mutually agreed upon deadlines. Also, speakers are invited to attend the Forum and the ancillary networking and social events associated with it. DCIIA does not pay honoraria but will cover normal travel expenses associated with participating in the Forum.

If interested in submitting research for consideration, please do so by June 28, 2019. Your submission should include a copy of the research paper(s) you are interested in discussing and a brief summary of why the findings and insights would be of interest to DCIIA members.

Email with any questions or submissions. Please share this call for papers with faculty and students that have an interest in retirement security.

Thank you,

The DCIIA Team

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