InfoSecHiComNet: Security Aspects in Information Technology



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InfoSecHiComNet 2011 International Conference on Security Aspects in Information Technology, High-Performance Computing and Networking
Oct 19, 2011 - Oct 22, 2011 HALDIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, India Jun 15, 2011

Present CFP : 2011

Call for Papers

International Conference on Security Aspects in Information Technology, High-Performance Computing and Networking (InfoSecHiComNet 2011) October 19-22, 2011 – Haldia Institute of Technology, India

Date and Venue of Conference:
October 19-22, 2011 – Haldia Institute of Technology, India

Conference Link:
Organized by
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Haldia Institute of Technology, India

In Cooperation with
International Association for Cryptographic Research (IACR)

In Association with
Cryptology Research Society of India (CRSI)

Important Dates
Extended Paper Submission Deadline (Final): June 15, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: July 15, 2011
Camera Ready Deadline: August 01, 2011
Conference Date: October 19-22, 2011

The International Conference on Security Aspects in Information Technology, High-Performance Computing and Networking (InfoSecHiComNet 2011) focuses in disseminating the latest research results in all technical and practical aspects of cryptography and security and the impact on security in the developments of the related areas of high performance computing and networks. It consists of the following three tracks.

The conference solicits original technical papers, not previously published and not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Track 1: Cryptography
* Cryptographic Protocols and Zero Knowledge
* Block and Stream Ciphers
* Boolean Functions
* Hash Functions
* Public Key Cryptography
* Cryptanalysis
* Side Channel Attacks
* Secret Sharing
* Secure Multiparty Computation
* Cryptographic Implementations
* Information Hiding

Track 2: Security Aspects in High-Performance Computing
* Cloud Security
* Grid Security
* Security in Distributed Computing
* Application of High Performance Computing in Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
* Reconfigurable Platforms for Security
* Trusted Computing
* Operating System Security

Track 3: Security Aspects in Networks
* Network Security
* Intrusion Detection
* Security Issues in Complex Networks
* Sensor Network Security
* Security in VANETs
* Mobile Security
* Security Issues in Adhoc and Mesh Networks
* E-commerce Security

All accepted and registered papers will be appeared in a volume of the LNCS series of springer.


Honorary Chair
* C.C. Chang , Feng Chia University, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

General Chairs
* P. K. Saxena , SAG, Delhi, India
* P. D. Srivastava , IIT Kharagpur, India

Program Chairs
* Marc Joye , Technicolor Security & Content Protection Labs, France
* Michael Tunstall , University of Bristol, UK
* Debdeep Mukhopadhyay , IIT Kharagpur, India

Publication and Organizing Chair
* Debasis Giri , Haldia Institute of Technology, India

Program committee members

For Track I: Cryptography
* Abhijit Das , IIT Kharagpur, India
* Amr Youssef , Concordia University, Canada
* Bimal Roy , ISI Kolkata, India
* C. Pandu Rangan , IIT Madras, India
* Debasis Giri , Haldia Institute of Technology, India
* Dipanwita Roychowdhury , IIT Kharagpur, India
* Goutam Paul , Jadavpur University, India
* Honggang Hu , University of Waterloo, Canada
* Junko Takahashi, NTT Labs, Japan
* Kouichi Sakurai , Kyushu University, Japan
* P. D. Srivastava , IIT Kharagpur, India
* P. K. Saxena , SAG, Delhi, India
* Praveen Gauravaram , Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
* Rajesh Pillai , SAG, Delhi, India
* Ramarathnam Venkatesan , Crypography and Anti-piracy Group, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
* Ramesh Karri , Polytechnic University, NY
* Ratna Dutta , IIT Kharagpur, India
* R. S. Chakraborty , IIT Kharagpur, India
* Saibal K. Pal , SAG, Delhi, India
* Shaoquan Jiang , University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
* Sourav Mukhopadhyay , IIT Kharagpur, India
* S. S. Bedi , SAG, Delhi, India
* Swarup Bhunia, Case Western Reserve Univ., USA
* Vincent Rijmen , K.U. Leuven, Belgium and Graz University of Technology, Austria
* Willy Susilo , University of Wollongong, Australia

For Track II: Security Aspects in High-Performance Computing
* Amit Chattopadhyay , Rijksuniversity of Groningen, Netherlands
* Amlan Chakrabarti , University of Calcutta, India
* Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis , University of Nicosia, Nicosia
* Kamakoti Veezhinathan , IIT Madras, India
* Naixue Xiong , Georgia State University, USA
* Peter Schwabe, Academia Sinica, Institute of Information Science, Taiwan
* Ranieri Baraglia , Istituto di scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione A. Faedo Consiglio Nazionale delle
* Sabu M. Thampi , Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Kerala, India
* Sanjay Burman , CAIR Bangalore, India
* Sanjukta Bhowmick , University of Nebraska at Omaha, NE
* Shamik Sural , IIT Kharagpur, India
* Subrat Panda, IBM India Private Limited
* Sukumar Nandi, IIT Guwahati, India
* Tiong Goh ,Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

For Track III: Security Aspects in Networks
* Animesh Mukherjee , ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy
* Anirban Banerjee , Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research- Kolkata, India
* Areejit Samal , Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques (LPTMS) Univ. Paris-sud,
Orsay, France & Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MIS), Leipzig, Germany
* Ashok Kumar Das , IIIT, Hyderabad, India
* Athanasios Vasilakos , University of Western Macedonia, Greece
* Bezawada Bruhadeshwar , IIIT Hyderabad, India
* Bivas Mitra , French National Centre for Scientific Research(CNRS), Paris, France
* Chun-Ta Li , Tainan University of Technology, Taiwan
* Eiko Yoneki , Cambridge University, UK
* Guangjie Han , Hohai University, China
* Indranil Sengupta , IIT Kharagpur, India
* Jie Li , University of Tsukuba, Japan
* Jing He , Georgia State University, USA
* Junwei Cao , Tsinghua University, China
* Michal Wozniak , Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* Naixue Xiong , Georgia State University, USA
* Niloy Ganguly , IIT Kharagpur, India
* Peter Chong , Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
* Romit Roy Choudhury , Duke University, USA
* Sajal K. Das , University Texas at Arlington, USA
* Santosh Biswas , IIT Guwahati, India
* S. K. Ghosh , IIT Kharagpur, India
* Tzung-Shi Chen , National University of Tainan, Taiwan
* Willem Jonker , CEO EIT ICT Labs, Netherland
* Xiaohong Jiang , Tohoku University, Japan

Information Contact:
Prof. Debasis Giri
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Haldia Institute of Technology


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