ICQT: Internet Charging and QoS Technologies



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ICQT 2017 9th International Workshop on Internet Charging and QoS Technologies
Nov 26, 2017 - Nov 27, 2017 Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan Aug 18, 2017

Present CFP : 2017

With the appearance of new technologies and new services, the nature of the economic stakes in the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) sector is continually evolving. An illustration is the soaring number of providers who base their business models on publicity instead of bandwidth selling. Following the same tendency, the power relationships have radically changed in the last decade, between the providers offering connectivity, and those managing services and user identities (content providers, cloud computing providers, social networks). While future business models and regulatory frameworks are still under discussion, the design of efficient charging methods for the variety of upcoming network technologies has become of paramount importance for realizing the economic potential of future convergent architectures and services. The resulting combination of technical and economic perspectives drives many relevant research topics for application developers, business architects, network and service providers, and customers. Especially the identification of novel service charging solutions, the investigation and evaluation of their technical feasibility, and the consolidation of technical and economic mechanisms for enabling a fast, guaranteed, and efficient charging of services is of fundamental importance for the future evolution of the Internet and the telecommunications business in general, and as such the central focus of the international ICQT workshop series.

ICQT 2017 is the ninth event in this series, following the highly successful ICQT workshops in Vienna 2001, Zurich 2002, Munich 2003, Barcelona 2004, St. Malo 2006, Aachen 2009, Paris 2011, and Zurich 2013. The focus of ICQT 2017 is on Telecommunication Economics from a broad interdisciplinary perspective, concentrating on the economics of future information and communication infrastructures as well as the close relation between economics and technologies in support of charging, quality-based pricing and business modelling.

Papers accepted and presented at ICQT 2017 will be published open access on the conference Web site with IFIP copyright, and will be submitted for possible inclusion in IEEE Xplore, ACM and IFIP Digital Libraries.

Topics of interest (but not limited to):
- Telecommunication Economics
- Internet pricing, tariffing, and billing
- Monitoring, measuring, and accounting
- Pricing mobile and wireless services
- Interdomain and SLA pricing approaches
- Charging for QoS, QoE and security
- Network neutrality and charging
- Economics of privacy
- Novel business models for green networking
- Network economics and economic models for the Internet
- Service charging models, including cloud services
- Spectrum auctions
- Cost, business and competition models for providers
- Models for advertising, including adword auctions
- Security mechanisms for charging and accounting
- Regulatory and legal aspects of SLAs and contracts

Papers and Submissions
Authors are invited to submit original contributions that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers should be prepared using the IEEE 2-column conference style and are limited to 8 pages. They have to be submitted electronically in PDF format through EDAS. Papers exceeding page limits, multiple submissions, and self-plagiarized papers will be rejected without further review. All other papers will sustain a thorough single-blind review process.

To submit your paper, plase go to EDAS with the following link:

Important dates
- Paper Submission: August 18, 2017
- Acceptance Notification: September 18, 2017
- Camera Ready: October 7, 2017

Workshop Co-Chairs
- Bo Gu, Kogakuin University, Japan
- Burkhard Stiller, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Bruno Tuffin, Inria Rennes, France
- Patrick Maillé, Institut Mines-Telecom, Rennes, France

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