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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
FPODE 2018 1st International Workshop on FPGAs for Domain Experts (co-located with PACT)
Nov 4, 2018 - Nov 4, 2018 Limassol, Cyprus Oct 15, 2018
VMIL 2018 Workshop on Virtual Machines and Language Implementations
Nov 4, 2018 - Nov 4, 2018 Boston, USA Aug 17, 2018 (Aug 7, 2018)
LCPC 2018 The 31st International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing
Oct 9, 2018 - Oct 11, 2018 Salt Lake City, Utah Aug 7, 2018
APLAS 2018 16th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems
Dec 3, 2018 - Dec 5, 2018 Wellington, NZ Jun 15, 2018 (Jun 12, 2018)
ManLang 2018 15th International Conference on Managed Languages & Runtimes
Sep 10, 2018 - Sep 14, 2018 Linz, Austria May 4, 2018 (Apr 27, 2018)
ICPP-EMS 2018 The 2018 International Workshop on Embedded Multicore Systems
Aug 13, 2018 - Aug 16, 2018 Eugene, Oregon, USA Apr 27, 2018
OpenSuCo @ ISC HPC 2018 OpenSuCo 3 @ ISC HPC 2018 : 3rd International Workshop on Open Source Supercomputing
Jun 28, 2018 - Jun 28, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany Apr 20, 2018
CASES 2018 International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems
Sep 30, 2018 - Oct 5, 2018 Torino Incontra, Torino, Italy Apr 3, 2018 (Mar 27, 2018)
CADO 2018 Special HPCS Session on Compiler Architecture, Design and Optimization
Jul 16, 2018 - Jul 20, 2018 Orleans, France Mar 30, 2018
LCTES 2018 Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems
Jun 19, 2018 - Jun 20, 2018 Philadelphia, PA Feb 23, 2018 (Feb 16, 2018)
MoreVMs 2018 2nd Workshop on Modern Language Runtimes, and Ecosystems
Apr 9, 2018 - Apr 9, 2018 Nice, France Jan 26, 2018
CC 2018 27th International Conference on Compiler Construction
Feb 24, 2018 - Feb 25, 2018 Vienna, Austria Nov 7, 2017 (Oct 31, 2017)
PriSC 2018 2nd Workshop on Principles of Secure Compilation
Jan 13, 2018 - Jan 13, 2018 Los Angeles, USA Oct 18, 2017
OpenSuCo @ SC 2017 2017 Workshop on Open Source Supercomputing (OpenSuCo-2017)
Nov 17, 2017 - Nov 17, 2017 Denver, CO, USA Sep 29, 2017
DATE E2 2018 Design, Automation, and Test in Europe, Topic E2: Compilers and Software Synthesis
Mar 19, 2018 - Mar 23, 2018 Dresden, Germany Sep 17, 2017 (Sep 10, 2017)
CGO 2018 2018 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization
Feb 24, 2018 - Feb 28, 2018 Vienna, Austria Sep 15, 2017 (Sep 8, 2017)
WAPL 2017 WAPL 2017 - 6th Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages
Sep 3, 2017 - Sep 6, 2017 Prague, Czech Republic May 10, 2017
ICPP-EMS 2017 The 2017 International Workshop on Embedded Multicore Systems
Aug 14, 2017 - Aug 17, 2017 Bristol, UK Apr 21, 2017
PACT Workshops and Tutorials 2017 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilations Techniques - Workshops and Tutorials
Sep 13, 2017 - Sep 17, 2017 Portland, Oregon, USA Apr 7, 2017
PACT 2017 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
Sep 13, 2017 - Sep 17, 2017 Portland, Oregon, USA Mar 14, 2017
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