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Event When Where Deadline
BUSTECH 2017 The Seventh International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology
Feb 19, 2017 - Feb 23, 2017 Athens, Greece Nov 1, 2016
ICDS 2017 The Eleventh International Conference on Digital Society and eGovernments
Mar 19, 2017 - Mar 23, 2017 Nice, France Dec 1, 2016
ACHI 2017 The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions
Mar 19, 2017 - Mar 23, 2017 Nice, France Dec 1, 2016
GEOProcessing 2017 The Ninth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services
Mar 19, 2017 - Mar 23, 2017 Nice, France Dec 1, 2016
eTELEMED 2017 The Ninth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine
Mar 19, 2017 - Mar 23, 2017 Nice, France Dec 1, 2016
eLmL 2017 The Ninth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning
Mar 19, 2017 - Mar 23, 2017 Nice, France Dec 1, 2016
eKNOW 2017 The Ninth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management
Mar 19, 2017 - Mar 23, 2017 Nice, France Dec 1, 2016
ALLSENSORS 2017 The Second International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing
Mar 19, 2017 - Mar 23, 2017 Nice, France Dec 1, 2016
SMART ACCESSIBILITY 2017 The Second International Conference on Universal Accessibility in the Internet of Things and Smart Environments
Mar 19, 2017 - Mar 23, 2017 Nice, France Jan 13, 2017
ICDT 2017 The Twelfth International Conference on Digital Telecommunications
Apr 23, 2017 - Apr 27, 2017 Venice, Italy Jan 15, 2017
SPACOMM 2017 The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications
Apr 23, 2017 - Apr 27, 2017 Venice, Italy Jan 15, 2017
ICN 2017 The Sixteenth International Conference on Networks
Apr 23, 2017 - Apr 27, 2017 Venice, Italy Jan 15, 2017
ICONS 2017 The Twelfth International Conference on Systems
Apr 23, 2017 - Apr 27, 2017 Venice, Italy Jan 15, 2017
MMEDIA 2017 The Ninth International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia
Apr 23, 2017 - Apr 27, 2017 Venice, Italy Jan 15, 2017
PESARO 2017 The Seventh International Conference on Performance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications
Apr 23, 2017 - Apr 27, 2017 Venice, Italy Jan 15, 2017
CTRQ 2017 The Tenth International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service
Apr 23, 2017 - Apr 27, 2017 Venice, Italy Jan 15, 2017
COCORA 2017 The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Cognitive Radio
Apr 23, 2017 - Apr 27, 2017 Venice, Italy Jan 15, 2017
ALLDATA 2017 The Third International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data
Apr 23, 2017 - Apr 27, 2017 Venice, Italy Jan 15, 2017
SOFTENG 2017 The Third International Conference on Advances and Trends in Software Engineering
Apr 23, 2017 - Apr 27, 2017 Venice, Italy Jan 15, 2017
ICNS 2017 The Thirteenth International Conference on Networking and Services
May 21, 2017 - May 25, 2017 Barcelona, Spain Feb 3, 2017
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