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AISNSS 2014 special issue in journal : Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering - Springer
Feb 26, 2015 - Feb 26, 2015 N.A. Sep 26, 2014
CAIJ 2014 Computer Applications: An International Journal
N/A N/A Dec 16, 2014
IJFCST 2014 International Journal in Foundations of Computer Science & Technology
N/A N/A Dec 27, 2014
IJDKP 2015 International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process
N/A N/A Feb 28, 2015
IJFCST 2015 International Journal in Foundations of Computer Science & Technology
N/A N/A Aug 7, 2015
IJAIA 2015 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications
N/A N/A Sep 5, 2015
IJSEA 2015 International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications
N/A N/A Sep 19, 2015
IJCAx 2024 International Journal of Computer-Aided technologies
N/A N/A Jul 27, 2024
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