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IEEE ICC'24 NextG-WiSec 2024 IEEE NextG-WiSec: The Ninth IEEE Workshop on NextG (6G and beyond) Wireless Security in conjunction with IEEE ICC 2024, 9–13 June 2024 - Denver, CO, USA
Jun 13, 2024 - Jun 13, 2024 Denver, CO, USA Jan 20, 2024
SI_DependXAIdata 2024 SI on Dependable and Reliable Datasets for Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security Research
N/A N/A Jan 26, 2024
CCGRID'24 ET-Edge 2024 ET-Edge'24 with 24th IEEE/ACM CCGRID - Energy Efficient Trustworthy Sustainable Edge-Cloud Computing WORKSHOP with The 24th IEEE/ACM CCGRID'24
May 6, 2024 - May 9, 2024 Philadelphia, USA Jan 31, 2024
ICT-DM 2024 The 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management
Dec 21, 2024 - Dec 19, 2024 Setif, Algeria Apr 30, 2024
CogComm_SI_CCOS 2024 Special Issue on Cognitive AI for Intelligent Computing and Communications, Connection Science, Taylor & Francis
N/A N/A May 31, 2024
IEEE Globecom 2024 NEXTG-WESEC 2024 WORKSHOP ON NEXTG (6G AND BEYOND) WIRELESS SECURITY (IEEE NEXTG-WESEC) with IEEE Globecom 2024, 8–12 December, 2024 - Cape Town, South Africa
Dec 8, 2024 - Dec 12, 2024 Cape Town, South Africa Aug 5, 2024
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